Social and religious stigma surrounding reproductive choices


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People, both male and female gender are susceptible to making choices that suits them regarding their reproductive rights. Simply put, reproductive rights has to do with the opportunity whereby individuals can make certain decisions regarding their bodies, it includes the right to choose the number of children they want to have, if they would like to have kids or not, right to comprehensive health care services, the right to life, carry out an abortion, sex education at certain appropriate ages, equality to anything that has to do with the body anatomy, right to choice of living in any form an individual pleases.

Despite the fact that people are open to their reproductive rights there are still some social stigma that are attached to some decisions taken like abortions, contraception, fertility treatment and so on. In my country, most activities are judged based on societal norms, cultural backgrounds and religious ethics without first considering the situation on ground. Most time, people are forced to take decisions that will favour family values, religion or culture without first taken into the consideration the fact that, it is their life and body involved, their future and everything within. This has caused many people to suffer silent and end up growing up to be a bitter angered human being because of costly mistakes made in the past.

Cultural factors are also responsible for some reproductive choice people make. This could be in terms of the traditional gender roles practiced in some places where there is the preference of having a male child first before anyone else, these cultural perception on gender roles are such that have placed a stima on some women where masculinity is placed above femininity. Hence, when a woman gives birth to female children the man is made to take another wife who would bear him a son that would continue the father's so called legacy. These cultural beliefs can affect reproductive choices as well.

Another factor that can affect the right to reproductive decision making is in terms of societal normals where they place a stigma on people who have grown more than marriageable age. In recent times, some women are still age shamed with the 30 and not married thingy, this has made many people to settle for less resulting in unhappy marriages. Age shouldn't matter with the variety of options and choices available to having children which includes ivf procedure, surrogacy, freezing of eggs and so on.

Lastly, religious beliefs are also factors that influences people choice on reproduction, many have used their beliefs to shapes aspects of marriage, sexuality, abortion, family planning, methods of birth delivery and so on. For instance, some religious beliefs are of the opinion that a woman should only give birth the natural way which is through the vagina, hence, methods like cesarean sections are forbidden. This has caused the life of many young women as they labored to death for lack of ignorance and religion. Also, some churches are against surrogacy,freezing of eggs or ivf as means of solving fertility issues claiming it is devilish, this decision has rendered some women childless for a long while.

All these are the social stigma surrounding the reproductive choices made by people and this is based on ignorance and fear, its the 21st century and people should be bold and stand up for themselves in taking decisions that matters to their overall well being. This should encourage serious sexual and reproductive education, there should be campaigns that addresses the rights of people regardless of their background, culture or religion.

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