
Clearing and weeding is not an easy

Community service is not something that everyone can do, there are different acceptable ways that people render help to their immediate community or distant communities. Some has to do with feeding the poor, sheltering the homeless, cleaning up surroundings and clearing bushes along walkway, taking care of the elderly ones, social services, Healthcare services, recreational activities, human rights and so many more. Over the years, people or organizations have taken it upon themselves to partake in these activities to offer support to people who cannot afford them or who cannot reach such services.

I have participated in various services that renders help to people and I have also been a beneficiary from services rendered. Just last two weeks, some Healthcare professionals came by our church to do some check ups on people. Apparently, they had brought equipments such as vaccination screening, checking of blood pressure and sugar level, temperature and accepted free consultations from people. Although advice was given but people had to pay for their drugs by themselves. This is a practice with medical doctors as they go around to communities to educate people on health matters and offer services for free.

This is also relatable to eye care professionals, who come around sometimes to check and take tests of people vision to ascertain if they are okay or not. In some cases, glasses are recommended to correct what is wrong.

The first time I engaged in community service was at a young age of about 15 or 16, then I was an active member of a group in church called "the legion of Mary". This organization had us tKing up activities as weekly routine that has to do with visitation of the sick in hospitals or their homes, cleanings of surroundings and so on. It's always an interesting thing to do because as teenagers we always loved to eckre new places and the courtesy we recei5when we play and pray for the sick was amazing.

One time we went to the hospital we met a man who just had an accident because he was trying to avoid an animal on the road. Luckily for him, he did not sustain severe Injuries but bruises that was been treated, we pray for him and advised him to be careful next time. Another person we saw was a pregnant woman who was in labor, we could tell that she was in pain and we tried to comfort her and pray that God would grant her a safe and smooth delivery. So in such visitations, we would also buy provisions for the sick and distribute them.

Fast forward to when I was in the university, my department and level mates took it upon ourselves to render service to the community as part of our final year week activities. All we did was clear a bushy part and clean up the environment because it was so dirty. After achieving this, the path was so good that where was abandoned before became a busy path.

In the future, feeding of the poor is one service I wish to render when I can afford it. I see peke doi g it on social media and the smile it puts on people's face especially when they have not eaten good food for days. The country is really not favorable to the masses as things have become so expensive that we cannot maintain some lifestyle activities we were used too.

This is a part of my entry for the #augustinleo prompt as organized by the @leogrowth team with great initiative that members of Hive you can participate in this prompt and tackle them as you deem fit. In collaboration with the @cleanplanet community.

Images used herein are mine
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I was once a rigionary but and I participated in many region work too, I think we once visited the hospital. These kinds of community serves have a way of making us reflect on our life. Is good to have encountered you post @henrietta27, continue the good work you are doing for humanity
