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The year 2024 was not entirely a great year but some achievements were made that brought about changes in my perspective and fostered the will to do more. The year was laced with many growth both personal and professional and there were lots of issues as well, we experienced economic downturn that brought about untold hardship to the people in general and financial restraints affected so many businesses and investments that pepe had to survive one way or the other. The inflation was so high this year, that the prices of goods and services trippled leaving us stranded and setting for what is available rather than what we actually want.
I am quite Optimistic that 2025 can stem from focusing on personal growth, as I am already starting a new project and learning the required skill to ensure that I successfully carry it out. This would happen effectively if I set up realistic goal that are achievable within my own means. I do not want to be part of the people who claim that there is no job or means of survival whereas people are exploring the world of creativity especially in social media spaces to make ends meet.
In our modern world and with the advancements in technological devices, 2025 promises to offer a vast variety of opportunities both online and offline. In other words, as the digital space and economy continues to experience mass growth and adoption, it has various ways and methods for youth and digitally inclined people to earn an income.
Ways which includes content creation, e-commerce, or freelancing and these can be achieved through various platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, telegram, tiktok, cheelee, thread, InLeo, crypto trading and so on. With these one cannot afford to be lazy and just wait for opportunities to knock on their doors.
Again, I am optimistic that in 2025, we have hope for positive changes across the world. It is long over due for our country and the world at large to experience a change in its economic situation. Things are deteriorating by the day and the issue is that the middle is getting the hit, the poor keeps getting spooring while the rich gets richer. The people at the helm of affairs are so greedy that, the government meant to serve the people has become a family inheritance. Nowadays, to get a government is such a hassle because,you need the influence of a wealthy man to grant you the necessary connection to get it.
Everything is all about money because if you don't have it, nothing will be done. In view of all that has be said, in 2025, I intend to make good legit money that can sustain me and my kind of lifestyle.
This is a part of my entry for the Decemberinleo prompt as organized by the @leogrowth team with great initiative that members of Hive you can participate in this prompt and tackle them as you deem fit.
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