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"things will get better", this seems to be the national anthem of every Nigerian who is hustling and trying so hard daily to make a honest living in a community or a society that is providing lesser and lesser amenities and equipment to ensure its citizens are well taking care of. The truth is the country is going through a rough patch at the moment are things are becoming so difficult for the masses to get things done. The purchase of goods and services have sky rocketed to the point that prices have tripled as they used to be to years ago. To get things done at the moment you have to double your hustle or else you would suffer a great consequence.

The devaluation of the naira against the dollar is also a negative impact on what people can purchase at the moment as the prices of goods are increasing this is due to the fact that the naira is getting weaker in value. My motivation comes from the fact that, no matter this disappointment and difficulties life choose at us we should try and make something out of it if we allow the situation to way us down it will look as if we made the greedy officials or leaders who are supposed to guide us through to win these battle.

In view of this,we all Hope for Improvement in the face of difficulties. Hence, Despite hardships we encounter as humans that seem to be harder than our might, it is believed that there is hope and expectations for better economic conditions, political stability, and improved quality of life. Nigerians are know to be strong and resilient in time of troubles that they always tend to find a way out of whatever difficulties they find themselves.

In conclusion, my Monday motivation is based on hope that the future will get better than our present, but while at it, we should make the best out of it and explore to be better. So, Resilience and Adaptability are one of the strong quality we as Nigerians possess to face challenges. It's not easy to navigate through life as a middle class man , but we should not give up without a fight.

This is a part of my entry for the #juneinleo prompt as organized by the @leogrowth team with great initiative that members of Hive you can participate in this prompt and tackle them as you deem fit. In collaboration with the @freecompliments community.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

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my Monday motivation is based on hope that the future will get better than our present

I feel this has the most highly motivated words ever told to people.

A better tomorrow than today.
I feel motivated now

This is a good read


Yes, I believe In hope... Thank you for stopping by


The situation of the country is becoming unbearable, but indeed we should keep our hopes high, stay committed to getting better and with resilience we'll strive towards greatness.
