I have been opportuned to experience life and also to learn from it through my personal experience and from other women who have motivated me in one way or the other without even knowing it. Sometimes when we do things we are unaware of the fact that we are directly and indirectly influencing other people and just like little children, there are people who try to inculcate our characters and personalities. When I saw the #ladiesofhive community weekly prompt as usual it was related because I have learned a lot from the women in my life ranging from my mother, sisters, aunties, cousins,teachers, professors, bankers, career women and so on. There are sometimes in life that I have implemented what I learnt
from this women to navigate through Life. Hence, this week's prompts about what we have learnt from our mother or sister or a female neighbour that they didn't teach us directly.


Firstly, I will talk about the various things I have learned from my mother because she's the first person and the first woman that I ever lived with and I got to learn a lot from her. One of the greatest lessons I learned from my mother is the fact that she is a resilient being. On the side I said where she works extremely hard alongside my dad to provide for the family and make sure that everyone is well taking care of, there are many challenges but she was strong in the face of adversity, challenges, or setbacks. The way and manner she handled situations by employing creative problem-solving techniques is one that I mastered. Sometimes when she would handle some kind of situations gracefully and peacefully while I was a teenager,I would be angry in my mind because I dare not interfere in adults discussions or matters based in cultural norms. But growing up as an adult,I have come to realize that these were necessary to enable peace and harmony to reign and not make matters escalate than usual. At some point,I have had to incorporate this lifestyle in many aspects of my life, because you realize that temper only makes things worse rather than make them solved.

Another character feature I learned from my mother is the act of patience, it is obvious that patient is a virtue that not everyone can handle some people are quick to judge and jump into conclusion. I have learned this singular trait of by observing her through the way she handles situations in different areas of life. Sometimes there are situations where you would expect that her actions and the meaning of would bring about impatience and impulsive behaviors but rather the way and manner she handled complexities of life is very amazing and should be studied.

Recently, I found myself in a situation that was supposed to be urgent with immediate attention, I was already becoming impatient about the whole because it has lapsed the estimated time we planned to execute the project. When you put your entirety and commitment into something, you expect results as at when due and when that is not forthcoming, impatience and frustration sets in, but as I watched my mother employ smart moves to make things work, I employed that tactics and lo and behold the result was bigger than we expected.

Asides, from my mother there are other women who have inspired me by their growth in the world of business and careers, with the difficulties women face in setting a balance with the opposite sex, some things should be learnt to breath through these barriers from other fellow women who has achieved this feat.

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These are great lessons you have learnt, one way or the other we keep learning. Impatience has cost me a lot when it comes to dealing with people but overtime I have also see the benefit of being patient. Kudos to your mother. God keep and bless her.


Yes it is indeed some good lessons, thanks for your kind words


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Learning patience is not as hard as actually being patient, you've done well applying it life's challenges.


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