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In a world where there are billions of human beings in existence, there must be someone who you deeply admire his or her personality, character or behavior and one who inspires others. A favorite person can come in different forms be it family, close or best friend, college, superior, teacher, worker, someone that brings about growth in goals or promotes creativity and influences the world by bringing about positive contributions. There are many people I look up to in terms of their success in careers, lifestyle, healthy balance and so on,but for the purpose of this prompt, my blood brother would be one of my favorite people I would like to discuss today.
As my brother, it is naturally believed that since we are from the same parents we are supposed to share a deep unique bond shared between siblings. Let me point it out that not all siblings in a family are close like that, some are distant and are not even friends with themselves, there are others who have favorites amongst themselves especially for large families. So it is not to be automatically expected that because they are family they are inseparable. I have some cousins who I know but we don't relate well despite our parents being brothers and sisters.
There are numerous reasons why my brother is my favorite person and one of them is based on the fact that we have a lot of shared experiences and uIt hardional support amongst us. As my only brother, we have a sea just relationshipecause we grew up together through the shared memories and challenges we have encountered. We tend to know more about each other than any other person can relate. We consider ourselves as friends, confidantes, partners, our relationship provides comfort and emotional support to each other at various times.
Another reason why he is my favorite person is that he is understanding and we tend to share a lot together, he is a person that wants the other person to grow, so sharing useful and meaningful information amongst ourselves has fostered growth over the years. For instance, he told me about the Hive blockchain that has been helpful to me so far. In essence, we have each other when things are difficult and put heads together to make right choices and decisions. It's safe to me that he is my gee or my guy, as Nigerians would refer to a great friend.
Finally, the fact that we can talk about almost everything makes him my favorite person. It hard to trust people these days, so why not just try to build a just relationship with family, since they come first. In essence, my brother is my fave.
This is a part of my entry for the #novemberinleo prompt as organized by the @leogrowth team with great initiative that members of Hive you can participate in this prompt and tackle them as you deem fit.
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