
Feedbacks are necessary elements for a community or an organization to grow and this can come in various ways like positive feedbacks, negative feedbacks and constructive feedback. Although people like to give comments about how they feel on a particular topic or a particular UI that is user interface or user experience of a particular website. For Me I always like to give positive feedbacks and when it is necessary I give constructive feedbacks one that can make an help the community to grow rather than the meaning and bring down with reputation because of my opinion. This is so because no one is perfect and this developers and team leaders put in Great efforts to make users or members enjoy these platforms.

It's been a roller coaster on the inleo platform this past month there has been series of improvement and development in various section of the UI and this range from the thread section, the long form post section, development in price actions, challenges from the in inleo monthly prompt as organized by the [email protected]. although there are bugs here and there but considering the responsive actions we get from the ilio team we as members have nothing to worry about because the constantly come out to seek our opinion about new development, for instance the recent initiative by the Leo team on finding bugs and being rewarded for it was a great initiative that brought about great and positive results.

The the month of March heart great significance and improvement in my ability as a content writer to prove herself especially through the march prompt initiative. When this initiative started last month I was ignorant of the fact that we were supposed to post to other communities through the inLeo front end, however it got better this month, as I was able to navigate through different communities that were suitable for the kind of topics I wrote. I mean the major idea behind the initiative is to encourage people to post their favorite topics to the communities that are well suited for it.

As a content writer on hive, 8 would have been almost impossible to be able to come up with topic ideas that was dished out freely to me by the #marchinleo prompt. It has made me to express myself in ways that I would have never thought about. Take for instance, there was a prompt that had us making researches about our histories and discussing our findings, I believe I would never have thought about that but I was able to go back to my roots , make the research and even spice it up with teenage experiences and it came out marvelously well. In view, the march prompt came in so handy that it helped stimulate my brain to be active on the Blockchain.

Finally, as we round up this monthly prompt for March, I must commend the I Leo team for the effort, consistency, time and hardwork they put into making this a reality. It's not easy to steadily put it out on threads on a daily basis and early for that matter. This is why growth and development is constant on the inleo platform and I am proud to be part of this initiative.

The March Monthly Prompt by is still very active, it's an opportunity to take on topics of your choice and write on them. Check the link above to participate.

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Posted Using InLeo Alpha


The least we can do is to catch up with that growth and development as you have rightly commended. They put us on our toes in a healthy manner which is very encouraging


Yeah, the team has indeed done so well to making it a success


Hi! We do want to help ignite the creativity on our authors, not just imposing a topic, but providing a starting point that can be seen from so many points of view, and that has been proven by the variety of articles we have gotten.

Thanks for participating and staying around! Glad it was a good experience.


Thank you so much, I had a wonderful time engaging with the prompts
