RE: All Money Pools
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For me the biggest problem is consumerism, consuming more than we need has become very easy, in the past they spoke of "there is no poverty that can withstand 12 hours of work" but in the past, those who worked 12 hours did not pay for Netflix, Amazon Prime, cable TV, internet, cell phone rental, when I got home locked up after that day I didn't buy food by delivery, they didn't buy brand names when they were looking to get dressed, they fed when they were hungry and not by desires driven by "delicious" dishes in social networks.
That is why 50 years ago 12 hours of work (even if they were not well paid) took people out of poverty and put them in the middle class, human beings always look for the greatest reward with minimal effort, currently many content creators already Whether dancing, making jokes, or even talking about money, they can earn much more than a farmer, they earn more than the people who clean our streets, they earn more than police officers, they earn more than the people who sew our clothes, etc., that makes us Many people want to migrate to activities (less productive but with more profit), that always leads to greater consumption than we need, which again for me is the big problem.
The rich benefit from consumerism, of course, Netflix and Disney benefit from the fact that people are so stupid to subscribe to them and barely have time to watch a series or movie, now are the rich bad for that? Of course not, it is one of the stupid consumer decisions of the majority of people, it is the same as if in a town a large part of the people are fat, would the town's cardiologist doctors benefit? Of course, yes, plenty of patients, they may even have to raise the consultation price because they can't afford it, but the fact that everyone is fat is not their fault, it is people's decisions at the consumption level.
For the most part I agree with what you've said here but also 50 years ago a person had exponentially more value within the economy because technology didn't exist that could do their job. I already went over that in detail in the OP so I'll leave it at that.
It might logically seem like a farmer or a blacksmith provides more value to society than a youtube streamer, but that's simply not the case. The blacksmith profession doesn't even really exist anymore because of factory production. It doesn't exist because it has very little value within the current environment. So you might not like it but these entertainment jobs are gaining value within the attention economy, while creating actual products and providing needed services will continue to be valued less and less and trend towards a state of decline.
At the end of the day automation combined with increasing population ensures that there are always going to be a lot more people than their are jobs. All the new jobs will be linked to the entertainment industry as we fully automate the base layer of the economy.
As you mentioned, technology has currently managed to replace many jobs, but at the same time it has created new ones, it also increases productivity, a gardener without technology using scissors, how long does it take to make a garden and maintain a garden?, a gardener with technology can make a garden much faster, a person who performs roof maintenance now if they use technology on their equipment should have someone who operates a drone as it saves them a lot of time in the inspection, although I am certainly with you that later Technology will eliminate more jobs than it creates and if we have a consumerist mentality and continue giving consumer value to entertainment we will reach what the movie Wall E shows us in the spaceship, a point where technology is already such that it can produce all the products and services we need without our intervention and we focus on consuming content.
Just as you told me, people are giving more economic value to entertainment (consuming it uncontrollably) apart from that we should not deceive ourselves, entertainment is only profitable because it has product sales in the middle of that entertainment (advertising) our attention in the media entertainment is valuable because it generates money in sales, that's why I don't think that technology is the problem, the problem is the society that insists on being consumerist, how is it possible that a person at the end of the month does not have money and while they consume " entertainment content " sale You won $5 off your next hamburger purchase at burgerking and boom you use your credit card because you don't have the money to consume something you don't need, all of this driven by consuming entertainment content, there's the problem.
Well that's my way of seeing hehehe, greetings