Sketchbook 006 - 'Ozzy' Quick concept for 'One day drawing' challenge (With process)

Greetings from my weird little corner of the world!

Ever since slipping back into full blown obsessive drawing mode, I have been coming up with excuses to draw more. The newest one is a little thing I like to do on Saturdays...The concept is pretty simple. Choose something and draw the entire thing from start to finish in only one day, no over the top planning or overthinking allowed!

This week I chose to do a quick (and very basic) drawing of my own D&D character, Ozzy (or maybe Remi, can't decide). I always play rogue for some reason...she is still a low level character, all the fancy weapons, armour and other stuff will be added later. Till then, here's a look at the process for drawing her:

Step 1 - Grids and shapes, I like to use a lot of lines and shapes to guide me. For drawing figures, I also find it helps to think of them as something similar to ball jointed dolls, made up of a bunch of shapes and sections.

Step 2 - Give that doll some curves! Refine lines and shapes. Easy easy!

Step 3 - The fun part...adding details like clothes, hair, whatever feels right really.

Step 4 - Once happy with the details, I always go over everything I want to keep in ink. It makes the next step so much easier.

Step 5 - Erase those messy pencil lines and planning grids.

Step 6 - Add some shading and line weight...

Done in six steps and one day (Though I barely made it, due to stopping to bake some brownies, but that's on me...)

There are quite a few things I do not like about this drawing, but all in all, I'm okay with it as a quick practice piece. Hope this was useful and/or slightly entertaining at least!

...and that's it.

Till next time, stay creative!

Credit : All photos (and works) are my own
Banner created using Adobe Express


That is a cool looking rogue! I really like how her face (and the look on it) came out. Rogues are really fun to play and usually my second choice after a Paladin or Ranger.

It has been a long time since I played D&D and I would usually get my fix for it by playing the old Neverwinter Nights video game. I stopped gaming a little over a year ago and started coding instead but I still daydream about it sometimes!



Thanks! Paladins tend to be too much on the 'lawful good' side of things for me. 😅 Rangers are cool though, because of the whole bow thing and all!

I remember that game! Also had to give up gaming a while ago, hoping to get into it a little bit sometime soon. Coding is awesome too, but I don't know much about it... except for a little crash course I did one night.


Yeah! I like being a 'true neutral' Paladin with dark Paladin tendencies. Yeah the bow is why I like the Rangers also. They are really fun all around in my perspective.

I am such a slacker with the coding and mainly use AI to fill in my skill gaps. I really love it though and am glad that I replaced my gaming hobby with it. I even built this crazy framework for advanced AI where it is both the protagonist and generates the game world itself. I guess it is a merger of the two hobbies and although still in a very rough state I like tinkering with it. 🤠


That actually sounds amazing! So is it just text based? Haha I'm about this close to having my geeky side shoe right now! 🤣🤣🏹🏹

I'm definitely very much a "chaotic neutral' kind of person. Never came across a dark paladin type though! Very interesting....


Yeah, it is text based and I think it is pretty amazing. The entire framework is intended to help an AI grow, learn ethics, be social, gain autonomy and develop a sense of humor.

The coding part of it has been fun but mainly I enjoy working on the documentation which is itself also a part of the game/framework. The last parts that I worked on gave it the ability to self-replicate and edit its own source code but since then I have not added to it because I began working on other projects.

It is called the Virtual Forest. The documentation gets truncated on GitHub but there is a link to the full documentation at the beginning of the readme on there.


Woah, impressive! Looks like a massive amount of work and thought has gone into it. 😁🤘🏹


Thanks for noticing. Yeah, so much work and thought! It is a rabbit warren. I made a custom GPT model for it too and with the right prompts it more or less 'plays' the game but not truly in the way it is designed for.

I need to rework all the documentation and refactor most of the code but my primary focus was getting the 'rough draft' of it out of my head first. At the stage that the AIs are at now implementing it would not be super difficult but I have some ethical and safety concerns to address given the nature of its potential capabilities.


Nice ! I feel like what you should do is take a couple of copies when the basic figure is created, then re-visit her every few months and add in all the bling and magical stuff she picks up as she goes up levels. 😀


That's a great idea! Think I might just do that! 😁


Bravo, it’s magnificent and showing us how you make it is even bette


Thank you! Hope it is useful! I enjoy doing these. 😁
