The Walk Home

It's been a while since I've done this, I guess I had be too reliant on getting through the photos from Spain and Portugal that somehow, 5 months on are still rolling through, but I will run out soon and I feel guilty that I'm not producing anything more current. No I must 'Get back to it'

So I throw a camera into my work bag, something small a Fujifilm X-t3 and a 27mm pancake lens, which will turn out to be not quite the lens for the job, but it will have to do.

I know I'm finishing the day in my clients office, which is about 15 minute walk from my house, it's also in the middle of the the city (Melbourne, Australia). My last meeting will finish around 3.30pm it's summer the light will be harsh, the shadows deep, but that's my type of playing conditions, I will find things. So let's go, what do I find on the walk home...

In no Particular order.

Walk Home 1 (1 of 1).jpg
I've only just noticed the sign with 'coveted' above her head. I don't feel bad about 'stealing' this shot of her, we was also taking photos, I'm in some of hers, she, and her partner are in some of mine it's sort of how street photography works.

Walk Home Feb.jpg

Same crates different angle, and a laneway not wide enough for me to do this shot justice I need a 18mm not a 27mm

Walk Home 3 Feb.jpg

So I have saved this for street art post? Maybe, I do love how much is going on here, how iconic some of these images are, the robot heads, the My Mate jar which will be recognisable to most Australians

Walk Home 4 Feb.jpg

I told you she would be back, at first I though she was doing that classic 'walking down the alleyway video for Instagram but that is normally taken by the boyfriend of Insta turns out she was actually just like me appreciating the sun and the bricks and the plants and the whatnot

Walk Home 5 (1 of 1).jpg

I've shot this wall so many times, it changes so often

Walk Home 6 (1 of 1).jpg

I most have walked past here maybe 200 times, maybe 300 I'm not sure I've ever noticed this ghost sign, maybe it's normally hiding in the shadows, maybe it's proof that even though you have seen these things a thousand times before there is also something new to be found
