The Hotel
This was our hotel in Tunis. Now called the Royal Victoria, but previously the British the Consulate.
It is everything inside that the outside promises, a strange mix of what the English thought North Africa should be like, it's dark by ornate, it has weird furniture that makes no sense for a local but it is on Victory Square, right in the 'centre' of town, near the Medina, it is easy to explore from here. It is also a perfect place to sit a sip of Lemon juice or Coffee and just watch the people the Square.
Okay this is early morning, like really early 6amish, just after the morning call to prayer has woken me so the square is the domain of birds and the off person setting up for the day, but soon it will be swarming with people, with kids playing in the foundation.
This building dates from 1914 - and is in the Moorish Revival style, sort of a Western European take on Islamic architecture, which was probably apt given it's location in one of the more 'Western' North African countries. This isn't the embassy anymore, that moved to a more modern building in 2004, rather it's a pretty cool hotel where we spent a few nights.
Beautiful pics. That hotel is very similar to another one here in Havana called Iberostar Parque Central.