Scenes from a Bike - Edition 28 - More scenes from picking up a bike

Welcome to The 27th edition of the series - Scenes from a bike

This Edition facts:

Location: Up in Brunswick - a Inner North suburb of Melbourne.

Date & Weather: Saturday the 22nd of June - Grey, occassional sun - the BOM tells me it's 11.5 but feels in 10.5 degrees

Equipment: My Fujifilm X-T5, mated with a 23mm (35mm in Full frame) prime lens.

The Concept & Finances: The concept is simple, I've bought an electric bike, on this bike I explore my hometown, Melbourne Australia and take photos, Priority 1 - Finding new places in Melbourne, Priority 2 - taking better photos, Bonus - Earn back the cost of the bike by creating content and getting paid for it on HIVE. The bike cost $1,100 USD. So far I've earned $159.58 from the previous 27 paid out posts meaning I've paid for 14.5% of the bike and I have $940 to go. This is going to take some time, but this is all bonus money, the joy is in the taking of photos.

Other stuff: So this one is a little different. The bike was in being serviced (and no I'm not adding that cost to the total) so this is more scenes on my feet in the walk between the cafe were I had lunch and the bike place were I picked up the bike to ride it home - by the time I got it it looked like it was going to rain so I rode straight home with no more photos.

Look it's a bike - just not mine

Bike Wheels (1 of 1).jpg

Brunswick is one of those suburb that 10 years ago you wouldn't be seen dead in, now it's this weird mix of old abandoned houses waiting to be redeveloped.....

Shrek (1 of 1).jpg

brand new apartments with all of the architectural flourish that contains

Modern Architecture (1 of 1).jpg

A industrial sites, which are still industrial and better avoided.

Hazchem (1 of 1).jpg

and between all of this is street art, street art everywhere

BM (1 of 1).jpg

Public Enemy (1 of 1).jpg

Colour (1 of 1).jpg
