PhotoFeed Contest - Wildlife - The Birds I encountered on Swan Lake at Phillip Island (Aust)
I've been to Phillip Island many times, it's about an hour and a half from Melbourne, but I've never been to Swan Lake. Now when my neices told me we were going all I could think about was the ballet, but alas there were no ballet dancers there, but there were plenty of birds.
First up in the Cape Barren Goose, and these are everywhere in the park, and in fact all over the far end of the island. They are called Toolka in the indigenous language. They stay mainly on land so where likely happy that the lake was only semi full.
Then the Swans from which the lake is named (Goose lake doesn't sound as pretty). Now these are black swans, which I know in the rest of world it a term used for a 'unexpected event' because there was though to be no such thing as a black swan, and when one was discovered it was rare. Black swans are not rare in Australia
they are pretty awkward outside of the water though.
Then there were a few other things, an Australian Shelduck, AKA chestnet duck AKA Mountain Duck - I mean what is this duck on the run from?
A pair of purple swmaphens
And a pesky little Plover, which is quite pretty
But never seemed to stay still, which was troublesome
This bird looks very compact in looking for delicious food