Palm selection with size//How I crafted a size 48 Louis Vuitton palm
Good morning to everyone here,it's another post which I will be sharing my creative work to all my hive family as a whole,I will be glad to express my feelings been part of this community which make life do fun by reading users post.Alot of skilled user posting there works on hive Blockchain but I will be showing my friends and exclaimed footwear size which Is very scarce in human leg.
Here is a post of a client who have a longer leg compared to normal measurements which is size 45 but he is always having problem choosing a palm of his choice in shoe shop but I as a shoemaker told him to drop his feet measurements that I will craft a Louis Vuitton cross palm for him that will fit his long foot.An extra cost for a longer leg client but quality and log lasting palm .I craft and show him and he was happy and amazed.Let me show my friend brief steps on how I made the palm .
Marko sole
Marko 6
Black leather
Thick leather
Marko 8
Louis Vuitton logo
Start by cutting the Marko sole using the measurements of the client in a longer length then cut it out and apply gum on Marko 8 and Marko sole then gum it together before cutting makeo 6 to make our insoles and linen with black leather.
The next step is to cut four straight strap and apply gum on it with a thick linen before setting your Louis Vuitton logo
We will move to the lasting stage which we will apply gum on the upper and insole then last to client size .After lasting we will apply gum on the sole which was already wetted then gum all together to make the palm ready for the owner.
You can see the display and results of the long palm below
It is stylish and beautiful. It looks pretty cool. Good to see how you made it. Thank you for sharing this. Keep up the good work!
Am glad you admire my work
This is just so perfect, impressive creative skill my friend. I really love wearing palms and seeing this craft just gives me joy as it is well made. Keep it up and good job
I appreciate your comment dear friend.