The alarms went off / Saltaron las alarmas

Yesterday afternoon, all alarms went off. There were two open male flowers on one of the plants. Okay, I'm not going into panic mode, I thought, first of all keep calm.
Breathing exercises:
1- inhale ; 2- exhale
1- inhale ; 2- exhale........
Up to 7 times. Better? No!
😡 shit! 👹 fuck! 👿 holy crap! 💣 etc.....
Like this for half an hour. Better? Yes!
Okay, now let's analyze the situation:
Two male flowers was visible on the plant that was potted and the pot in one of the boxes. I made this post talking about it.
Ayer por la tarde saltaron todas las alarmas. Había dos flores macho abiertas en una de las plantas. De acuerdo, no voy a entrar en modo pánico, pensé, ante todo mucha la calma.
Ejercicios de respiración:
1- inspirar ; 2- expirar
1- inspirar ; 2- expirar……..
así hasta 7 veces. ¿Mejor? ¡No!
😡 ¡mierda! 👹 ¡joder! 👿 ¡vaya mierda! 💣 etc.....
así durante media hora. ¿Mejor? ¡Si!
De acuerdo, ahora analicemos la situación:
Se veía una flor macho en la planta que estaba en maceta y la maceta en una de las cajas. Hice una publicación hablando de ella.

I noticed that some pistils had turned brown too early. If they turn brown so early it is because the pistil has caught a pollen grain or because I have burned them by putting potassium soap on them (not the case). There were indeed two male flowers near the brown pistils.
Vi, que algunos pistilos se habían puesto marrones demasiado pronto. Sí se ponen marrones tan pronto es porqué el pistilo ha agarrado un grano de polen o porqué los he quemado poniéndoles jabón potásico (no es el caso). Efectivamente cerca de los pistilos marrones había dos flores macho.

I carefully took the pot out of the box, wrapped it in a bag and took it aside for a closer look. There were two flowers, fully open. They had released all the pollen. I hadn't seen them because the box the pot was in stinks. As soon as I move it or touch a plant to look at it, the smell spreads all over the terrace. It is a scandal and draws too much attention. I was looking at it from a distance and almost without touching it. That's why I think I didn't see it. She is also a hermaphrodite. More difficult to detect than the males.
Con cuidado saqué la maceta de la caja, la envolví con una bolsa y me la llevé a parte para observarla con detalle. Había dos flores, totalmente abiertas. Habían soltado todo el polen. No las había visto porque la caja donde estaba la maceta apesta. En cuanto la muevo o toco alguna planta para mirarla, el olor se expande por toda la terraza. Es un escándalo y llama demasiado la atención. La miraba de lejos y sin tocarla casi. Por eso creo que no la vi. Además es una hermafrodita. Más difíciles de detectar que los machos.

I think this plant was stressed. The box where the pot was is watered very little because it is in the final stage of flowering. The pot, however, was just beginning to flower and suddenly the watering was cut off. When I picked up the pot it weighed nothing, the soil was completely dry and I think it had been like that for several days.
Creo que esta planta se estresó. La caja donde estaba la maceta se riega muy poco porqué está en la fase final de floración. La maceta, sin embargo, estaba empezando la floración y de golpe se le cortó el riego. Cuando cogí la maceta no pesaba nada, la tierra estaba totalmente seca y creo que llevaba así varios días.

This morning after evaluating and looking in detail at the rest of the plants I think it was not serious. There were only two flowers on the lower part of the plant and it has not contaminated much. The tips still have all white pistils. The nearby plants will make seeds. Seeds that I will not use because they come from a hermaphrodite plant and increase the possibility that the next generation will be hermaphrodite. Anyway, the important thing is that it has not been serious. I don't think I will put pots in the boxes again.
Esta mañana después de evaluar y mirar detalladamente el resto de plantas creo que no ha sido grave. Eran solo dos flores en la parte baja de la planta y no ha contaminado mucho. Las puntas siguen teniendo todos los pistilos blancos. Las plantas cercanas si que harán semillas. Semillas que no aprovecharé porqué vienen de una planta hermafrodita y aumenta la posibilidad de que la siguiente generación sea hermafrodita. En fin, lo importante es que no ha sido grave. Creo que no volveré a poner macetas en las cajas.

This is the next box I will harvest. I have been looking at it closely to see if it has been contaminated, but I don't think so. There are lots of white pistils and no seed formation is visible. This box however doesn't smell much. It smells earthy and a little peanutty but not much. It is ideal for me because it does not attract the attention of the neighbors. The other one is a scandal. While I was looking at them I took the opportunity to do some photos. I hope you like them.r
Esta es la siguiente caja que cosecharé. La he estado mirando de cerca por si se había contaminado, pero creo que no. Hay muchos pistilos blancos y no se ve formación de semillas. Esta caja sin embargo no huele mucho. Huele a tierra y un poco a cacahuete pero poco. Es ideal para mi porqué no llama la atención de los vecinos. La otra es un escándalo. Mientras las miraba he aprovechado para hacerles unas fotos. Espero que te gusten.

That's all for today. Have a great day.
Eso es todo por hoy. Que tengas un grand día.

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You grow some breathtaking looking cannabis bro.
The fullness of your buds and overall health of the buds is astounding.
One thing that I find surprising, is the result you got in that small pot.
I think you could benefit from bigger pots, but I do understand that you have to maintain stealth.
Thanks bro!. It is because of the space I have available. Especially to store them at night. Also because of the weight and the work of cleaning the boxes every time I harvest. It is already known that in the city the population density is higher, for cannabis too :).
But I think that with more space and more resistant wheels they could be bigger, yes.
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I'm just surprised how big and healthy they get without root bounding issues.
You really know what you are doing :D
Thanks @futuremind. Actually these boxes are the V4 :). V1 and V2 were a bit of a disaster, they only held up for one season lol. The V3.0 held up for two but the wheels were making a lot of noise. It sounded like I was butchering a pig every time I moved them. These ones that are the V4.0 and are going for the 4th or 5th season, I can't quite remember. So far they are the best version. I already have V5 in mind but will have to wait a while before I can do it. 🐸
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Keep up the good work King @futuremind, happyfrog420-new(1/16) is appreciative of the time and dedication you put into writing this post. Your efforts are truly valued.
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Mountain Dooby Doo
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@happyfrog420-new, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of
Looks good bro! And you're 100 percent right, hermaphrodite seeds will tend to be hermaphrodite plants. Nice catch man, it could've been a lot worse!
In the end it was not so serious, there were only two flowers. But I got a scare. Thanks @anewyorkminute79
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