Killer bugs / Chinches asesinos

Welcome cannabis culture lovers. In this update of the grow, I explain that I have seen an insect that I have been seeing regularly for 3 or 4 years on the terrace. I made a post about it that you can see here.
Bienvenidos amantes de la cultura cannábica. En esta actualización del cultivo, explico que he visto un insecto que veo habitualmente desde hace 3 ó 4 años por la terraza. Hice una publicación al respecto que puedes ver aquí.

I had seen that it ate everything that moved and passed near it but I didn't know what kind of insect it was. In the other publication I did a search with the image search engine but did not get an answer that cleared my doubts. So I decided to leave it alone and let it stay on the terrace. Today I did another search again and got an answer that I didn't like at all. It is an invasive species called Zelus Renardii or assassin bug because it feeds on all kinds of insects and invertebrates. Its appearance is recent in the Iberian Peninsula and it expands mainly in the Mediterranean area :(. I will have to kill them when I see them. That's the way it is.
Había visto que se comía todo lo que se movía y pasaba cerca suyo pero no sabía que tipo de insecto era. En la otra publicación hice una búsqueda con el buscador de imágenes pero no obtuve una respuesta que despejara mis dudas. Entonces decidí dejarlo en paz y que se quedara en la terraza. Hoy he vuelto a hacer otra búsqueda y he obtenido una respuesta que no me ha gustado nada. Es una especie invasora llamada Zelus Renardii o chinche asesino porqué se alimenta de todo tipo de insectos e invertebrados. Su aparición es reciente en la península ibérica y se expande sobre todo por la área mediterránea :(. Tendré que matarlos cuando los vea. Es lo que hay.
It doesn't show up much. I saw this one by chance while inspecting this box.
No se deja ver mucho. A este lo vi de casualidad mientras inspeccionaba esta caja.

I was inspecting it because some of the pistils have turned brown too early. It could be from friction from moving and passing near the box or from unwanted pollination. I have been looking thoroughly at the plants but have not seen any male flowers. Anyway I have sprayed them well with horsetail in case I missed the flower. I'll keep looking tomorrow.
La inspeccionaba porqué se han puesto algunos pistilos de color marrón demasiado pronto. Puede ser por el rozamiento al mover y pasar cercca la caja o por una polinización no deseada. He estado mirando a fondo las plantas pero no he visto ninguna flor macho. De todas formas las he rociado bien con cola de caballo por si se me ha escapado la flor. Mañana seguiré mirando.

This box is also doing well. 13 females out of 18. It still has a long time to mature. I was struck by the thickness of the central stems of some of the plants. You can't see touched leaves or powdery mildew anywhere :).
Esta caja también va bien. 13 hembras de 18. Aún le queda bastante tiempo hasta que esté madura. Me ha llamado la atención de esta caja el grosor de los tallos centrales de algunas plantas. No se ven hojas tocadas ni Oidio por ningún lado :).

That's all for today. See you in the next post and have a great day.
Eso es todo por hoy. Nos vemos en la próxima publicación y que tengas un gran día.

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Awesome post! And crazy bug! Great photos too man! Blaze it!
Thanks so much! As soon as I see one I blaze it! !WEED
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@happyfrog420-new passed you the virtual joint!If you do not want to receive these comments, please reply with !STOP
13 out of 18 is a great ratio! The plants are looking awesome bro!
Yes, it is a good ratio. Somewhat higher than my average of 60-62% or so. I used to count them and at the end of the season I would get the ratio, now I do not. I did it for 4 years but it is not a productive job and I stopped doing it. The ones that come out, come out. Thank you very much for your kind words. !WEED
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ya i hope i get lots of sunlight here for my flowering plants in san diego
I'm sure there is good sunlight in San Diego. It's further south than where I live.
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@happyfrog420-new passed you the virtual joint!If you do not want to receive these comments, please reply with !STOP
my plants also have some cool bug predators
funny i just posted aboit the return of this helpful bug too and posted about em years ago too lol
Yes, I just saw the publication. The one on my terrace is originally from central america. That's what it said where I read it.
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