Cost Of Living San Pedro Lake Atitlan Guatemala


What it cost to live in San Pedro, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala

A room in a local hotel in the heart of the tourist district with a shared kitchen, pet friendly, terrace with view of lake, laundry area, and secure.

Monthly Cost
Room with Private bathroom
1 Person $300 2 Person $380
Room Shared Bath
1 Person $200

Shared Kitchen


Food Cost

Limes 14 for 10Q $1.35
Liter Hand Squeezed OJ 1 Liter 25Q $2.90
Potatoes 1 Pound 4Q $0.55
Carrots 1 XL 2.5Q $0.35
Sweet Potatoes 5Q Pound $0.75
30 Free Range Eggs 42Q $5.60
Fresh Hibiscus (Jamaica Tea) 1/4 Pound 12.5Q $1.65
Mozzarella 1# 45q $6.00
Fresh tortilla 3 for 1Q $0.15
Ground Beef 1# 32Q $4.25
Chicken Breast w/Bones 18Q $2.40
Chicken Fillet Boneless 28Q $3.75
Pork Loin 1# 25Q $3.30
Free Range Eggs XL 30 42Q $5.60
Bananas 15 10Q $1.35
