Flash Fiction: A ZapFic Monday Entry - Prompt: Despise
Hey guys,
another Monday, another ZapFic Monday challenge. This time, we only have 240 characters to write a story. We could go lower, but not above the 240 characters, including spaces.
The word „despise“ is a strong and meaningful word, that is too often thrown around with ease and improvidence.
To despise someone or oneself, it has to be very severe, at least in my book.
I came up with the following.
Have a good start to the week, everybody.
She stared into the camera lens. Her eyes were dead but on her face was a lingering desperate smile. Countless men on the other side. She should have felt empowered but felt dirty. She hated her life and despised the men, who were watching.
Screenshot of Wordcounter.net
Divider created by me via Canva
Images created by me via AI or from Canva
I felt her pain, she had really gone through a lot. Nice use of prompt
Thank you :).
You are welcome
A feeling of pain and insecurity. You did justice to this
Thank you very much.
A clever little story.
Thank you.