PART:- 2
The association of the Christian community with Valentine is purely religious in nature, this man became the apple of their eye simply because he did not trade his Christianity, if he wanted to, he would have sacrificed his life by confessing the religion and faith of the Romans. But he did not leave his religion, due to which he had to lose his life.
The people of the West cleverly connected this purely religious festival celebrated in the memory of Valentine with the story of love and made it an object of interest to non-Christian nations and began to exploit them. Becoming a symbol of liberalism and enlightenment, this day and other such days are well used to indoctrinate students, especially in colleges and universities, into moral depravity and sexual anarchy.
Youngsters who celebrate Valentine's Day have come to believe that this day means that on this occasion they get the freedom to do all the things that are forbidden under all circumstances in the name of 'love', the pleasant outward title of love. On this day, the satanic dance is at its height in Aar, and the splendours of chastity and chastity are scattered, and the young people of the East, bewitched and deluded by the outward flamboyance of the West, abandon all moral boundaries and limitations and turn to animalism to satisfy their lustful passions. Come down.
The serious section of the country has to consider how to save the young generation from the danger hovering over our eastern civilization in the form of Valentine's Day. There is no room for Muslims here, nor for the rest of the Eastern people. Therefore, a strong and planned action must be taken to warn the people of the country in an effective voice in this regard.
For the last several years, there has been strong opposition from some organizations to this "Day", which is basically a positive and encouraging work, but these organizations have acted aggressively in some places which was inappropriate. It will not be supported anyway, but their basic position must be supported and they should be requested to reconsider their approach, and to convey the message of their awareness campaign with sincerity and love. However, the fact cannot be denied that the openness shown in the name of Valentine's Day in parks, hotels, restaurants and other places cannot be done in view of the extreme statements and threats of these organizations.
If any reader hesitates to accept the fragility of the occasion or imagines a fallacy based on the above-mentioned objects, he should read the November 2001 issue of Al-Balagh, Mumbai, in which Dr. Kaleem Zia wrote, "Education and Learning". In the column titled "Faroan Ko Na Suzhi", some of these days have been mentioned, on the pretext of which our new generation, especially our youths who are growing up in contemporary educational institutions, have been harmed. Moral and immorality training is given.
If you want more information about related Valentine's Day than watch thisVideo