When these shameless people are asked why you go to other women despite being married, they give various ignorant arguments, some say wife doesn't cooperate, doesn't come close, wife doesn't have time for me.


Yes, it means that you have become such fools that if your wife does not cooperate, you will be beaten outside. Does Islam allow you to spoil the honor of other people's sisters and daughters if your wife does not cooperate? Will you present this answer in the grave? The wife did not weed, that's why she had a relationship with other women. Buroz Mahshar will answer the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, that my wife did not have time for me, so I went to other women. Will all your answers be accepted?

no! no! no!

By Allah, they will be dragged to hell and thrown on their faces that these are the people who are the sisters of others in the world. daughters They played with the honor of babies, they did indecent things, they did obscene things, they were guilty of adultery, knowing that in the Qur'an and Hadiths those who have relations with non-women are warned of severe punishment, but They kept on mocking the commands of Allah and the commandments of the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) in the world, and surely the fate of such people is going to be very bad. are common.

If there is a relationship with a non-mahram before marriage, it will be a great sin and the blessings after marriage will be lost. .

No matter how many women cry tears of blood that their husbands are related to other women even though they are married, they remain silent only because of the children, otherwise they would have demanded a divorce. I am doing it from the outside, it is just a job, my friend, that outside is the honor of a brother, father-in-law whom you have made a job, lest Allah forbid your sister, daughter, wife become someone's job tomorrow. Yes, some people kill many rights of their wives because of outside women. It's a shame. It is completely ignorant to spoil your own home because of outsiders, make your home a paradise, with your wife, your children, these are your capital, these are your paradise, life is beautiful with them.

In this month, six such cases have come before me, and how many more cases we do not know, may Allah forgive us. Women should also show responsibility in this regard that when the husband comes home from the office, they should groom themselves a little because this removes half of the husband's fatigue, take full consideration of the husband's wishes, and keep a gentle relationship with the husband. Go, talk in a soft voice because when a woman talks to her husband in a loud voice, it does not go well with the man. A woman's paradise is only in obedience to her husband.

Husband and wife will fully cooperate with each other, take care of each other's rights, then a successful and happy married life can be lived, and on such beautiful relationships, Allah's special grace and mercy is bestowed on life, wealth, health, and honor. There are blessings and here those children are brought up who make the name of their parents bright in every place in the world and cause continuous charity for their parents after their death.



How stressed you are to receive 6 complaints about their marriage. Hope you can have more patience and knowledge to uplift their negative emotions,
