The First Workday of the Week | Alive And Thriving on Aug 17, 2024


Hello, there! How are you? I hope that you are doing great. Welcome to my post. In this post, I will share my activities on Saturday, the first workday of the week!

My duty was in the IbriCity Poly Clinic, my usual workplace this Saturday. The Indian doctor was sent to the Araqi clinic as the reliever doctor. As a result, I had to work for 10 and a half hours. I consulted 44 patients in my chamber. It was neither too busy nor too relaxing. I had an almost equal number of patients in both of the sessions. In the visa medical section, I had around 15 people who came for a fitness check-up.

I had a second round of morning sleep and a short afternoon nap on Saturday. Moreover, I could not walk on the treadmill or do any workouts. So, it was not a healthy day from the health perspective! The steps (below) I made today, are from the causal walk in between my home, mosque, and clinic.

I snapped this picture in 2022. It is the Sohar park.

Steps on Saturday:

  • According to the Fitbit app: 8965 steps
  • According to the sweatcoin app: 9001 steps

Okay. It's all for now. I am alive, healthy, and thriving, Alhamdulillah. How about you?


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