The Weathered Carpark
What's he doing? Taking photos. What of? There's nothing there. Some strange people around, eh? The idiot.
What's that guy doing? Perhaps he's lost something? Yeah, like his marbles.
He's not from round here, that's for sure. Some stupid tourist.
Something's down there
What's he looking at? Shall we go and see? What's the point, there's nothing there.
You okay? Yes, thanks, I'm fine.
Well, it's his life innit? Do what you want, that's what I say. But what is he doing?
He must be up to something. Looking for money perhaps. But he's taking photos. He looks like a foreigner, a bit of a mess to be honest.
Must be trying out a new camera. But he's been there for twenty minutes!
Hey, look at that odd bloke. Wandering around, staring at the ground, taking photos. Weirdo.
Should we tell security? Nah, he'll be on their cameras anyway.
Why's he taking photos? There's nothing there. Come on, let's go shopping.
He's lucky to have the time. I wish I could do whatever I want like him.
What's that man taking pictures of? Is he surveying? Doesn't look like a surveyor.
Is he taking pictures of our car? No. Go and stop him. No.
Dancing dogs
Oil spill
I think I know him. Quick let's get inside.
Maybe it's art. Those artists come up with some real crap these days.
And so it goes on...and on.
Rorschach 2
All photos taken by me in the same shopping mall carpark yesterday with a Canon 5DMk2 camera and 50mm macro lens. I did it as an exercise in focussing on one unlikely and unpromising area to see what I could come up with, although I did have a good idea in advance about what I would find. It took me about 40 minutes. Plus a thick skin to ignore all the looks and the comments people made to each other. What I wrote above is not exactly what I heard but could have been.
A quiet section of the carpark
Very abstract photos! Having a lot of fun in the car park!😂
You make it sound seedy! 😆
Oh! Ah! Now that you mentioned it! I understood why those people were talking about you. 🙀😂
Very different sense of humour.
Keep going, you have my support! This is like haute couture in the fashion world.
Do not pay attention to empty people without an artistic impulse.
Thanks! This will never be to everyone's taste but as long as it interests me I'll carry on.