Cool Fruit: POBphotocontest Entry
We have some fantastic fruit in our garden here in Thailand. Not only does it taste great, it also looks pretty cool. I'm not sure who started the fashion but I suspect this jackfruit who probably noticed how its fruit is a similar size and shape to my head, although its skin does have a bit more texture and the insides contain a much greater wealth of goodness.
The other fruit soon followed the fashion. And who could blame them for wanting a bit of protection from the fierce tropical sun?
Personally, I think the pineapple makes it work best with its jazzy hairdo and turned-up collar of spiky leaves. Looks cool enough to be relaxing by a beach with a cocktail in hand...or at least being part of a beach-side cocktail.
The pomelo is far more understated just like its flavour which is like a very mild grapefruit. With such a round head it has a more youthful baby-look as though it is only wearing them because its mother told it to.
The papaya takes the look in a more comedic direction. It just doesn't quite have the right shape of head to pull off "cool" but I do think the brown glasses were the right choice for its orange skin.
The dragonfruit also went for this style of sunglasses but has ended up looking a bit too much like an owl...a badly sun-burnt owl. Somehow this crazy-looking fruit needs no accessories.
Not quite a fruit yet, this banana flower has an assured look that gets it through the bright day ready for the night when its flowers start opening. I tried this hair-style once but I got chased by fruit bats.
I am now wondering if the vegetables will catch on and start wearing sunglasses...or perhaps I should get out more...
you got them ready for the party LOL!

Sending Love and Ecency Vote!
Now there's an idea!
Too cute ! Such a fun idea for a post.
You really have some cool fruit !