Mental health isn't a joke, it needs to be taken seriously.
I want to understand why people subjugate so much mental health. I have a cousin who is bipolar, and I remember at the dinner table I always listened to my parents saying that going to a psychotherapist was something that only mad people needed. My parent's house wasn't healthy as well. Both my parents had many problems with their parents and in addition, my mom was diagnosed with some important immune diseases when I was 5 years old. In addition, she took corticosteroids for a long time, and that contributed as well to being very unstable with her emotions. But they avoided seeking help for a long time, only after my dad's cancer diagnosis 2 years ago that both decided to seek psychological help. I am concerned about that and I was happy when they went toward this step but since I wasn't living with them since 2012, it wasn't affecting me anymore.

It is challenging when you live with people who need help and in addition, affect your life as well. My wife was diagnosed with anxiety in 2015. She had some panic disorders at the time so she had treatment with a psychiatrist. Until her diagnosis in that time, she already had some problems since I met her in 2007. Her body showed many symptoms linked to stress since then, like gastritis, fibromyalgia, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). She stopped using the meds when she wanted to get pregnant, and after giving birth we went to Canada, many things happened and we forgot about a bit about the problem. Of course, the problem came back again. The COVID pandemic came and our 2nd child came in the same moment. She got worse.
We had to move as well to another city since I got a new job. In here she started to have many symptoms that were very difficult to deal with, like hypochondria and depression. She couldn't stay more with our two young kids because she was too focused on her inner vault. I was overloaded with trying to replace her mother role, which many times wasn't well accepted, especially by the youngest, but for sure the oldest also felt, once in a while she started to say " I want mommy" and it was hard to tell her that right now mommy wasn't available. In addition, she was very difficult to deal with and I was getting hurt by her bad mood. I had to ask for help for myself. I was traveling for work, it was a two-day trip. And after a phone call from her criticizing something about me. I started to cry, and I looked for my former therapist whom I stopped seeing after I moved to Canada. I didn't know who to look for. After I came back home I was told that she had to call an ambulance since she had an anxiety attack, she felt that there was something wrong with her heart and at least the neighbor helped with the kids. Something similar happened when my parents visited us a couple of months later and I saw it with my eyes. I had to call an ambulance. The two times were similar, the paramedics checked her vitals and said that everything was ok at least physically.
I started to have remote therapy with her which helped me a bit by sharing this problem with another person. It gave me some strength that I was losing. At least, my wife was open to looking for help despite some local problems with public health, especially with our family doctor who had also some prejudice against mental health and didn't want to refer her to a psychiatrist. We found a way around and got referred by another medical professional, from a public program in mental health here in Alberta. After she started again taking the medicine our life improved a lot. She started to spend time with the kids again. We still have some work to do to improve our relationship but things improved.

I continued the therapy, but now I am focusing on self-improvement to be a more healthy adult. That for sure will help also our family's health and things are getting better at home. Things can always improve, of course, at least I think the storm that we were living in improved. She is working also with her therapist as well. I guess now we can focus on improving the relationship between us and our kids. My tip is for everyone facing the same thing that I faced is to not give up. The person isn't doing that because the person is weak or because they want. They need help and sometimes they don't know how to ask for help. And of course, we who live with this person also need help to continue to be strong.

Quero entender por que as pessoas subjugam tanto a saúde mental. Tenho um primo que é bipolar, e lembro-me de que, à mesa de jantar, sempre ouvia meus pais dizerem que ir a um psicoterapeuta era algo que apenas pessoas loucas precisavam. A casa dos meus pais também não era saudável. Ambos tinham muitos problemas com seus pais e, além disso, minha mãe foi diagnosticada com algumas doenças imunológicas importantes quando eu tinha 5 anos de idade. Além disso, ela tomou corticosteroides por um longo período, o que contribuiu para sua grande instabilidade emocional. Mas eles evitaram buscar ajuda por muito tempo, somente após o diagnóstico de câncer do meu pai, há 2 anos, que ambos decidiram procurar ajuda psicológica. Estou preocupado com isso e fiquei feliz quando eles deram esse passo, mas como não moro com eles desde 2012, isso não me afetava mais.

É desafiador quando você vive com pessoas que precisam de ajuda e, além disso, afetam sua vida também. Minha esposa foi diagnosticada com ansiedade em 2015. Ela teve alguns distúrbios de pânico na época, então teve tratamento com um psiquiatra. Até o diagnóstico dela naquela época, ela já tinha alguns problemas desde que a conheci em 2007. Seu corpo mostrava muitos sintomas ligados ao estresse desde então, como gastrite, fibromialgia e síndrome do intestino irritável (IBS). Ela parou de usar os medicamentos quando quis engravidar e, depois do parto, fomos para o Canadá, muitas coisas aconteceram e esquecemos um pouco do problema. Claro, o problema voltou novamente. A pandemia de COVID chegou e nosso segundo filho também chegou no mesmo momento. Ela piorou.
Tivemos que nos mudar para outra cidade, pois consegui um novo emprego. Aqui, ela começou a ter muitos sintomas que eram muito difíceis de lidar, como hipocondria e depressão. Ela não conseguia ficar mais com nossos dois filhos pequenos porque estava muito focada em seu mundo interior. Eu estava sobrecarregado tentando substituir o papel de mãe dela, o que muitas vezes não era bem aceito, especialmente pelo mais novo, mas com certeza o mais velho também sentia, pois de vez em quando começava a dizer "quero mamãe" e era difícil dizer a ela que mamãe não estava disponível naquele momento. Além disso, ela estava muito difícil de lidar e eu estava sendo afetado pelo seu mau humor. Tive que pedir ajuda para mim mesmo. Eu estava viajando a trabalho, era uma viagem de dois dias. E depois de uma ligação dela me criticando por algo. Comecei a chorar e procurei minha ex-terapeuta, com quem parei de me consultar depois que me mudei para o Canadá. Eu não sabia a quem procurar. Depois que voltei para casa, fui informado de que ela teve que ligar para uma ambulância, pois teve um ataque de ansiedade, sentiu que havia algo errado com o coração dela e pelo menos o vizinho ajudou com as crianças. Algo semelhante aconteceu quando meus pais nos visitaram alguns meses depois e vi com meus próprios olhos. Tive que chamar uma ambulância. As duas vezes foram semelhantes, os paramédicos verificaram seus sinais vitais e disseram que tudo estava bem pelo menos fisicamente.
Eu comecei a terapia remota com ela, o que me ajudou um pouco ao compartilhar esse problema com outra pessoa. Isso me deu alguma força que eu estava perdendo. Pelo menos, minha esposa estava aberta a procurar ajuda, apesar de alguns problemas locais com a saúde pública, especialmente com nosso médico de família, que também tinha preconceito contra a saúde mental e não queria encaminhá-la a um psiquiatra. Encontramos uma solução alternativa e fomos encaminhados por outro profissional médico, de um programa público de saúde mental aqui em Alberta. Depois que ela voltou a tomar os medicamentos, nossa vida melhorou muito. Ela começou a passar tempo com as crianças novamente. Ainda temos algum trabalho a fazer para melhorar nosso relacionamento, mas as coisas melhoraram.

Continuei com a terapia, mas agora estou focando na autoaperfeiçoamento para ser um adulto mais saudável. Isso com certeza também ajudará na saúde da nossa família e as coisas estão melhorando em casa. As coisas sempre podem melhorar, é claro, pelo menos eu acho que a tempestade em que estávamos vivendo melhorou. Ela também está trabalhando com sua terapeuta. Acho que agora podemos nos concentrar em melhorar o relacionamento entre nós e nossos filhos. Minha dica para todos que enfrentam a mesma coisa que eu enfrentei é não desistir. A pessoa não está fazendo isso porque é fraca ou porque quer. Eles precisam de ajuda e às vezes não sabem como pedir ajuda. E, é claro, nós que vivemos com essa pessoa também precisamos de ajuda para continuar sendo fortes.

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The problem is when people are fooling around and using mental health to cover up their laziness and right now there are many smart talkers who love to words dance around mental health issue to make them free from responsibilities... they keep getting better at this.
those people somehow become bad stereotype on mental health issue
It is different when a friend tells you "I am depressed, I got no job" . This person is not depressed, it is just using the wrong word. Sadness is a normal feeling for everyone when we feel disappointment.
mental health problems are over-focused feelings. People are so focused on that bad feeling that it becomes a disease.
Anxiety can be a very bad because it can lead one to be fearful of every little thing. Good that you found out ways to handle these challenges, best of it is focusing on improvement as this will sort a lot of other anxiety issues as I think though.
I do wish you were
Everything is solving little by little =)
I think most of us don't think seriously about our mental health and that's the real problem which insist not taking any kind of treatment for it. Fortunately, people are becoming aware of it but I don't think it's so significant to say because very few people are aware of it now.
It is getting better... at least us that we know about it need to support those who want help!
This looks like a lot of chaos and problem for you
Things like these could just affect the lives of the people around the person without even knowing
I was sad when you said sometimes your child would say she wanted mommy.
The main issue with people like that is that they know they need help but would never want to ask for it because they sometimes don’t see anything wrong with themselves and when they finally do, they find it hard to ask for help.
It takes time sometimes but it is better late than never !! Thanks for the comment
Yeah better late than never
I believe that the majority of us don't give our mental health enough thought, and that's the true issue that prevents us from seeking help. Thankfully, more people are becoming aware of it, but since so few people do today.
Sinto muito por tudo o que vocês tem passado. Fico feliz que conseguiram encontrar ajuda e estão em busca de melhores dias. De coração, desejo que fiquem bem e, principalmente sua esposa, consiga enfrentar tudo que a assombra mentalmente. Depressão e ansiedade são uma verdadeira praga na nossa vida :(
Sim 'e uma praga, mas faz parte da pessoa...a pessoa tem que continuar se amando =) o mais importante!
Most people claim to be depressed when they are not because they lack the right word to use or they want people to help them expressly. Thanks for sharing
The word is wrong used sometimes
Ah! Mental health. An important aspect of our health that is most often neglected yet with a lot of consequences.
I am glad your wife's condition is improving. It's all love from here
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Great post! Mental health is a real issue and problem that is often not addressed. I'm glad you're wife is getting the help she needs.
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Even the governmental health system needs to improve a lot... many doctors not prepared to deal with =(
wow didn't expect you had one O.O. I got depressed before but not sure if anybody knew. im ok now tho but i never had to see a therapist but then again anybody can be one in a way? if wwe just need someone to talk to and give feedback?
People get confused a lot, psychotherapist or therapists anyone can see to chat and start to dig things in you, it is good to understand you better. It is a good practice for everyone and you start dealing better with your inner problems =) . If you need further help then you go to a psychiatrist, which is usually a medical doctor who can prescribe medication to help with biological imbalances that a person with depression, anxiety and other problems needs. But a therapist doesn't prescribe you anything, it is only talks that can help you. Many people with professional indecision for example seek therapists to understand better what they like etc.
well for the therapists part I meant like anybody can be an unprofessional one xD. like if you wanted someone to listen and maybe give some ideas I could be that person O.O and I wouldn't even charge u money. Of course it's different I guess compared to paying a professional.
Oh no I hope I never have to see a psychiatrist. so far I haven't hade to meet any of the above . Only doctor and hope it stays that way O.O I don't want to see a surgeon either at least if im the patient.
I see your point though. They are there to help that's what their job is for and there's demand for it. I'm glad that they are there helping people that really need it.
usually it isn't an opinion that we look for. But strength and sometimes we don't tell everything to friends because we are afraid to be judged =p
well thats what i mean :P even if u dont need an opinion can just be a listener. we arent that close i wont judge u :)