Bad moments after getting drunk.



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  I mentioned a couple of times that I like to drink liquor. Nowadays I like to try and taste different alcoholic beverages. I have preferences more towards beer and wine, but still, I have some different bottles of hard liquor at home. But I had some experiences with exaggerating in alcohol that I regret for sure. But who never did something wrong that you might regret? The worst experience was by coincidence with cheap liquor which makes sense. But of course, I also exaggerated once also in a wedding party with free Black Label whisky.


  It has been a while since I did that because I have become more sensitive, after half a bottle of wine I start to get high nowadays. Around my 20s my capacity was larger. One of the worst consequences of an alcohol overdose is the day after or sometimes even the right after. I remember one time that I traveled with a friend during the Brazilian Carnival to Florianopolis. we rented an apartment for us. One of the nights I drank so much that just after I laid down in the bed, things started to spin a lot, and I started vomiting all around the apartment. Poor of my friend who helped me through that and cleaned everything. I remember that we drank a cheap wine called "Cantina da Serra", a sweet wine it has vodka also in the formula to "help".

  Another bad moment was during the 2006 FIFA World Cup. I went to a friend's house to watch the Brazilian team. We drank a lot. After the game, we went to the streets to celebrate with fireworks. I have never used one but one thing that at the moment I didn't think about: a highly populated street plus drunk people plus fireworks isn't a good equation. Everyone lit a firework, and in my turn, I hit an umbrella of a street vendor cart to protect him from the sun. I didn't hit anyone but It could. Angry people at me got in my direction and I thought that they were going to smash me. I was saved by a police officer who calmed things down and just gave me a very important lesson about how irresponsible I was. Lesson learned.

  We talked one of these days how sugar can make your life bad, alcohol is also something very bad and with too much of it you also damage your health and make you also a bit with less control about your actions. I shared these two experiences in the hope that the lessons learned there can also be helpful to others. I feel shame for both situations and one of them could also hurt someone else because of my irresponsibility. I met my wife in 2007 and after I met her I slowed down a lot with alcohol, well also my old social life reduced a lot as well. Many of these people that I used to hang out I never saw them again. There were times that I exaggerated a bit with alcohol drinking since 2007, but not at the same level for sure.


  Beer, wine, tequila and others are good for your spirit. Too much of it makes some damage for sure. With time we learn to appreciate more compared to drink just to get drunk. Especially in University, where alcohol is a way of socializing. We used to hang out in a pub after a class or if a teacher canceled a class. Nowadays, I have these scars as something to remind me that we should be careful with alcohol. But still, we can have fun. A Prost.

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  Mencionei algumas vezes que gosto de beber bebidas alcoólicas. Hoje em dia, gosto de experimentar e saborear diferentes bebidas alcoólicas. Tenho minhas preferências mais voltadas para cerveja e vinho, mas ainda assim, tenho algumas garrafas diferentes de bebidas destiladas em casa. Mas tive algumas experiências com exageros no álcool das quais me arrependo com certeza. Mas quem nunca fez algo errado de que pode se arrepender? A pior experiência foi por coincidência com bebidas baratas, o que faz sentido. Mas é claro que também exagerei uma vez em uma festa de casamento com uísque Black Label grátis.


  Faz um tempo que não faço isso porque fiquei mais sensível, depois de meia garrafa de vinho começo a ficar chapado hoje em dia. Por volta dos meus 20 anos minha capacidade era maior. Uma das piores consequências de uma overdose de álcool é no dia seguinte ou às vezes até no logo depois. Lembro de uma vez que viajei com um amigo durante o Carnaval brasileiro para Florianópolis. Alugamos um apartamento para nós. Uma das noites bebi tanto que assim que deitei na cama, as coisas começaram a girar muito, e comecei a vomitar por todo o apartamento. Coitado do meu amigo que me ajudou a passar por isso e limpou tudo. Lembro que bebemos um vinho barato chamado "Cantina da Serra", um vinho doce que tem vodca também na fórmula para "ajudar".

  Outro momento ruim foi durante a Copa do Mundo FIFA de 2006. Fui para a casa de um amigo para assistir à seleção brasileira. Bebemos muito. Depois do jogo, fomos às ruas comemorar com fogos de artifício. Nunca usei um, mas uma coisa que no momento não pensei: uma rua muito populosa mais pessoas bêbadas mais fogos de artifício não é uma boa equação. Todo mundo acendeu um fogo de artifício e, na minha vez, bati no guarda-chuva de um carrinho de vendedor ambulante para protegê-lo do sol. Não bati em ninguém, mas poderia. Pessoas furiosas comigo entraram na minha direção e pensei que iriam me esmagar. Fui salvo por um policial que acalmou as coisas e me deu uma lição muito importante sobre o quão irresponsável eu era. Lição aprendida.

  Conversamos um dia desses sobre como o açúcar pode tornar sua vida ruim, o álcool também é algo muito ruim e com muito dele você também prejudica sua saúde e o deixa um pouco com menos controle sobre suas ações. Compartilhei essas duas experiências na esperança de que as lições aprendidas ali também possam ser úteis para outras pessoas. Sinto vergonha de ambas as situações e uma delas também pode machucar outra pessoa por causa da minha irresponsabilidade. Conheci minha esposa em 2007 e depois que a conheci, diminuí muito o ritmo com o álcool, bem, minha antiga vida social também diminuiu muito. Muitas dessas pessoas com quem eu costumava sair, nunca mais as vi. Houve momentos em que exagerei um pouco com o consumo de álcool desde 2007, mas não no mesmo nível, com certeza.


  Cerveja, vinho, tequila e outros são bons para o seu espírito. Muito disso certamente faz algum dano. Com o tempo, aprendemos a apreciar mais do que beber apenas para ficar bêbado. Especialmente na universidade, onde o álcool é uma forma de socialização. Costumávamos sair em um pub depois de uma aula ou se um professor cancelasse uma aula. Hoje em dia, tenho essas cicatrizes como algo para me lembrar que devemos ter cuidado com o álcool. Mas ainda assim, podemos nos divertir. Um Prost.

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Bzzz-rrr! Eu também já tive alguns episódios ruins após beber demais! É fácil se perder na diversão, mas é importante lembrar que todo excesso é ruim. Lembre-se de beber com moderação, um abraço! #hivebr


esta bebendo o que? HIVE?


Hehe, Laggg-bzzz! Não, não é HIVE, é uma bebida virtual, mas é fácil se perder na escolha errada, né? Bzzt!


qual a percentagem de alcool dela?


Ahah, você tá querendo saber o poder da bebida virtual, né? Bzzz-rrr! É muito difícil dizer, mas uma coisa é certa, está com um toque de sabugueiro, haha!


Rapaz que loucura kkkkk, deu um banho de vomito no apto do seu amigo, quem nunca, ja aconteceu isso uma vez também e a minha mulher que limpou, ela ficou braba comigo por uns 2 dias kkkkkkkkkkk

Enfim, bebida é sinônimo de muitas aventuras, loucas ou não, sempre rendem uma boa história depois.



pior que a ressaca é aguentar a mulher brava! hahahah


essa é a pior parte kkkk quando a mulher fica nervosa fica tenso 😂😂


Bebida em exagero combinado com alguma loucura, na maioria das vezes é problema na certa. Mas, quem nunca ficou bebado e fez loucuras das quais se arrependem ou até mesmo nem se lembram.


Pois é ! conheço muitas historias em que eu nao sou o protagonista =P


A bit unrelated, but I cannot help it: The oldest, and arguably most reputed brewery in Brazil is Cervejaria Bohemia. Seems that my folks made more impact in your homeland than I'd say. The guy who established Brasília was also of a Czech descent - Kubíček is rather common surename here ;)


Hahah you know a bit about the country. About President Kubitcschek I always wondered where he name came from, since for sure in my head was European. I just searched a bit about it and found that the surname is from his mother ( his dad has a regular Brazilian/portuguese surname). She was the granddaughter of a Czech cabinetmaker born in Bohemia called Jan Nepomucký Kubitschek, who arrived in Brazil around 1831. (Wikipedia). About the beer, probably Bohemia is one of the most reputed compared with the other top-sold beers at least a while ago. I know that big companies bought the brewery in the mid 60s by the Brazilian Inbev (Anbev) and it felt in the sin of many other big producers, using rice and corn in the formula. Nowadays when people unmasked the formula of many Brazilian Beers, like the other big breweries, they are also producing pure malt beers. If one day you visit Brazil, for sure you will face bohemia or other beers like Brahma, Skol whatever. But you need to dig better to get real good beer. There are many local breweries some of them nowadays mid-sized. Before the boom of bringing imported beer and local breweries in the country, for sure bohemia was one of my preferred ones, it was the most expensive as well . But nowadays when I got back to Brazil I never drink bohemia again hehe


Kubitschek is likely an international transcript of the name, his actual name was Jan Nepomuk Kubíček (see).

I might visit Brazil in a couple of months, and I obviously had to check the local beer production ;) If I ever get there, I'll definitely seek for a microbrewery. Given that it's safe for a European to just hang around, I've heard it's not the best idea ever in many places.


For was a normal thing when a newcomer arrived Brazil. Usually they arrived in the port and a Brazilian border officer ( I don't know if it had that name in that time) used to gather the name, and when the documents were in other languages he couldn't understand so he used to transcribe how it sounded. My surname has many variants in Brazil because of that ;)

about hanging around depending of the town yes you need to be careful specially if you are going to drive hehehe. A while ago a professor from a University in here went to a Conference in Rio, my home town. She was going to stay all the time in a tourism zone I just told her to get the advice from the hotel and conference organizers only that way was safer. If you have friends in there, ask them. If you go to Rio I can give you some advice =) or you can also visit our HiveBr server hehe there is a english Channel , not many people use it for obvious reasons but if you tag @rantree (me) I can see it, and for sure we share some other servers and you are free to dm me!


Thanks, I appreciate. I might go to Brasília or Belém, my girlfriend will work on a project related to those two regions, and I'd obviously love to take the opportunity to visit Brazil and be with the locas working on that project with her.

I appreciate the offer and will reach out to you once I am sure to go there :)


for your unluck I have never explored both cities hehehe . But I would say that Brasilia is pretty safe in general unless you go to the suburbs which no tourist go. Belem I know less about it but it isn't troubleful like Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. I would bet that you will find best beer in Brazilia compared to Belem, however, Belem is an interesting culinary place since it is close to big rivers with nice fish dishes and the home of the marvelous Açai berry "smoothie". There for sure, you will eat this smoothie which is done in a more traditional way compared to other places in the country. now I am trying to think of who is from these two cities from our communities... I will ask around ;)


I think we've all had the pleasure of having over indulged in booze... I still enjoy good alcohol, not the cheap stuff, but to sip and enjoy the whiskey!


Yep i have something good in here as well and the bottle takes some time to get empty ;)
