Mana Warden Card Now Live: Exclusive to Voucher Holders


Hello all Hive People & Splinterlands lovers,

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The splinterlands game is in action again. Their is going to be two big event in two weeks time. One is actually live already and second is gg to be in 10th of September. The proposal was past and as per the proposal the team has created some new specials cards which are purchased with Vouchers, DEC and Credits only. The vouchers has already get complete change over recently and I will miss the Wind Pass purchase with voucher so make me enable to play in Wild format. I am still playing in the wild format and purchasing the Wild Pass with DEC as this is the more affordable way to get it.

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New Voucher Shop & Mana Warden card


The new Voucher Shop is live now and you can access it once you login and click on shop and check for the EXCLUSIVE tab. You will find the Mana Warden card on sale and you will find the card on sale. The card is available to purchase with vouchers only and every BCX of card cost the 30 voucher. The cards is common rarity and the max level card need 400 BCX. A max level card cost 12K vouchers. This even will hopefully reduce a significant number of vouchers form the Splinetrlands ecosystem. And keep in mind that the vouchers transfer form one player to another player attracts the taxes also and the voucher transfer form game wallet to hive-engine wallet is not possible but form hive-engine to game wallet is still possible. The Mana Warden card is dual element card and can be used either with Fire or the Life team for battle. Card has new ability names - Shield Ward

It will be interesting to use with other cards has the armor and armor repair ability. The cards will be very useful for low mana battles like Little League as he card cost 4 mana only.

In recent days if we look at the voucher market price then we will be able to see the upward movement. The players are selling and buying the are voucher in secondary market.

With current market price the max level card will cost approximately 200 USD. A common rarity card cost too much in this case. I will go for some Neutral cards instead going for this cards in I have to spend 200 USD. The only benefit form tis card is dual element nature and in the rule where the neutral cards are not allowed this card will show up in both the elements. But if I am holding lots of vouchers just laying in my game wallet then I will give it a try. And honestly this is the sole moto of is sale. Spend the vouchers and reduce the supply form ecosystem. I have 547 vouchers in my game account and I have not made my mind that how much I will spend on this card (may be all or may be nothing).

blockchain gaming

The DHF proposal put up by the Splinterland teams is also do not getting the continuous support because of the return proposal. The minimum threshold limit has been updated and that become the hurdle. I have seen some posts where people shared the details that the team is spending the HBD to purchasing the Hive and use these Hives to power up. More Hive Power means the more support to the proposal but today itself I come to know that their is 30 Days Deferral of New Stake Influence on Governance Voting. That means if the team today increase the stake then the effect will be after 30 days. Even this is a difficult time of the game but till I love the game and give my support to game. Keep battling ....

What are your views let me know in comment section.

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Source of Images - Splinterlands official site, edited in Canva.

If you have not started playing yet feel free to use my referrer link at the end of post. Comment your username for free card delegation.


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Thanks to @minimining for delegated cards.



Happy Battling.

See you in field

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