The Illusion of Appearance: When Looks Can Be Deceiving
Has humans we sometimes have the tendency to judge others, sometimes we do it consciously and sometimes we aren't aware.
There are some persons that look so rigid and fierce by their appearance that you even get scared approaching them, because you already judge them by their look. But sometimes we find out such persons her so soft at heart and a sweet soul.
Reverse is the case sometimes with friendly, and cheerful people. You might naturally expect such persons to be easy going and accommodating only for you to be shocked that their heart doesn't suit their face.
Hence we should all agree to the popular say "DO NOT JUDGE A BOOK BY IT'S COVER". In all of this scenario we should agree to the fact that until you get close to someone you don't have any reason to judge them.
All these are the spice of humans existence, different colours, different languages, different dressing, different thinking level and abilities, different face shape . That makes the world beautiful.
This is also applicable to plants we have different types of plants, when it comes to fruits we also have different species of fruit and they are different in their taste, shapes and sizes.
This fruits is called AGBALUMO or AFRICAN STAR APPLE, some of this fruit her sour while some are sweet.
He green type of African Star so sweet.
When I first saw this particular green start fruit (udara) I concluded that it wouldn't be sweet like the rest because of the colour (green).
Why would this woman sell such unripe fruit to people ? I thought to my self. But I was wrong this fruits are ripe and ready to be consumed.
I bought one and tried it out they were just so sweet without any sour tests like the rest of its kinds.
So I was wrong, I judge the fruit by it's look. While it was so sweet.