Wandering Brazil VIII: Ilhabela

It’s time to leave São Paulo behind and dip in the ocean – swimming in the Atlantic in December has become my personal tradition, although it’s much more pleasant in the southern hemisphere than in the north of Spain at this time. One of the places recommended to us before the trip was Ilhabela, which is a “Beautiful island” in Portuguese. The name can be tricky, but let’s call both the island and the municipality Ilhabela, as every Brazilian does. In fact, the island is called Ilha de São Sebastião, which might be misleading since São Sebastião is also the name of the port on the mainland where you catch the ferry. Anyway, let me take you around the town since exploring the island would take at least a week—and we didn’t have that time.

Je čas opustit São Paulo a vyrazit k oceánu. Taková prosincová koupel v Atlantiku, to už je pomalu tradice. Ale musím uznat, že na jižní polokouli je to tou dobou podstatně příjemnější než na severu Španělska. Ilhabelu nám kamarádi doporučili nevynechat, a rada to byla určitě dobrá. Ilhabela je v překladu Krásný ostrov, a Brazilci tohle jméno používají pro souostroví, ostrov i městečko na něm. Ale jak si @bucipuci správně všiml, když zařazoval jednu z mých fotek do ATW, ostrov je na mapě jako Ilha de São Sebastião. Městečko na druhé straně průlivu je pak São Sebastião, to asi aby se to nepletlo. Ale ostrovu prostě všichni říkají Ilhabela, tak se toho budu držet. Kdyby se vám náhodou objevil v itineráři, nechte si na něj alespoň týden, vyplatí se to.

Ilhabela is a popular holiday destination for Brazilians, yet you hardly encounter tourists here. A ride from the nearest international airport takes about five hours if the weather is in your favor. You must pass by mountain ranges over 1000 meters high, where it always rains as they block the clouds coming from the ocean. I’ll cover traveling across the country in my next post; I realized this topic is worth addressing, as it might come in handy for future travelers.

V populární brazilské dovolenkové destinaci na turisty nenarazíte. Autem to sem z nejbližšího mezinárodního letiště trvá pět hodin, a to ještě když vám přeje počasí. Po cestě je totiž vrchovina s pár tisícimetrovými kopci, ve které se zastavuje oblačnost z těch tisíců kilometrů širého oceánu mezi Amerikou a Afrikou. Prší prakticky neustále, a mlha by se tu dala krájet. Což mi připomíná, že bych měl příští článek věnovat cestování po Brazílii, kdyby se tu snad objevil nějaký další cestovatel.

Spoilt tourists seeking different comforts head to the Caribbean instead, but Ilhabela still attracts adventurous foreigners. You can take a two- or three-day long hike across the uninhabited part of the island, sleeping over in Bonete, a fishing settlement on the eastern coast. There’s no electricity, and the village is said to be charming. You can go scuba diving at dozens of shipwrecks around the island, which used to be a pirate haven, by the way. You can set sail to popular whale and dolphin watching spots, hike to one of the hundreds of waterfalls (we did), or one of the peaks over 1000 meters high. The island is also a birdwatcher’s haven, with hundreds of species nesting or, at the very least, stopping by throughout the year. Stay for a week, and enjoy a completely different activity each day.

I když turisté dávají přednost třeba Karibiku, na Ilhabelu čas od času zavítají dobrodružnější cestovatelé. Přechod neosídlené části ostrova vyjde na dva až tři dny, a můžete přenocovat v rybářské vesničce Bonete, kde není elektřina, a lidé tu prý žijí jako před pár stoletími. V sezoně se můžete vyplavit za velrybami a delfíny. Potápěči tu prozkoumávají desítky vraků rozesetých kolem ostrova - kdysi tu mimochodem řádili piráti. Můžete zkusit vyšplhat na jednu z tisícovek, nebo alespoň prozkoumat některý ze stovek vodopádů. A pokud máte slabost pro opeřence (@birdwatcher!) tenhle ostrov je prý pecka, hnízdí tu desítky vzácných druhů, a celkem se tu alespoň občas ukáže několik set druhů ptactva. Kdyby cesta tam netrvala z Prahy čtyřiadvacet hodin, dovedu si představit, že bychom se na Ilhabelu vrátili s vybavením na trekking třeba na ten týden, a větší část zmíněných aktivit absolvovali. Jen potápět se neumíme.

The town seems quite wealthy; there were almost no homeless people or much trash in the streets, which is uncommon in Brazil. Restaurant prices felt a tad higher, yet were still cheap by European standards. Some locals in Ilhabela spoke a bit of English, which was a surprise—our host, for instance, had excellent English. A waiter at one of the seafront restaurants even tried to converse with us in English before switching back to good old “Portuñol.”

S necelými čtyřiceti tisíci obyvateli by asi Ilhabela byla v Česku považována za velké město, v Brazílii je to spíš ale větší vesnice. Na druhou stranu je viditelně bohatší než zbytek země. Nepotkáte tu skoro žádné bezdomovce, a v ulicích je minimum odpadků. I v restauracích je trochu dráž, ale na evropské standardy stále ještě dost levno (tedy pokud bereme v potaz kvalitu jídla a ne jen jeho cenu). A dokonce se tu s vámi snaží i mluvit anglicky, i když pak většinou přepnou na bezpečnější Portuñol. Naše hostitelka měla úplně perfektní angličtinu, až jsme ji podezřívali, že není z Brazílie.

Most Brazilians come for a family vacation—to spend some time at the beach, enjoy samba (which is not just a music genre but also refers to any Brazilian-style party), sip caipirinhas (Brazil’s trademark cocktail), play beach football or volleyball, and so on. Lacking the equipment and time for more adventurous activities, we tuned into this vibe, enjoying the sea, sun, and hot weather. We had left Prague, where late December meant almost no daylight and temperatures below zero, so this was a welcome change. Don’t be misled by the clouds visible in most pictures—they hover over the mainland. We had mostly sunny weather on the first two days, with rain only on the last day.

Brazilci tu většinou tráví rodinnou dovolenou. Pláž, moře, samba (což je jakákoli párty, ne jen hudební styl), brazilský cocktail caipirinha, plážový fotbal a volejbal, a tak dále. Protože jsme vyměnili vymrzlou prosincovou Prahu, kde je tma od čtyř odpoledne do devíti do rána, a mezitím spíš pološero než světlo, rozhodli jsme si ostrov užít jako Brazilci. Nenechte se zmást mraky na fotkách, dva ze tří dnů bylo spíš slunečno, pršelo až poslední den.

Via Crucis

I’m quite sure some people might find it offensive, yet I find Via Crucis outstanding. The massive statues feature figures and symbols from various religions—Jesus is accompanied by Buddha, Mohammed, Greek and Egyptian deities, an Indian cow—you name it. This gathering takes place on a small Brazilian island in the Atlantic. What an idea!

Některé asi tahle křížová cesta urazí. Ale mě fakt baví. Masivní sochy zobrazují Ježíše ve společnosti různých náboženských představitelů a symbolů z různých kultur celého světa. Je tu Buddha, Mohammed, řecká a egyptská božstva, posvátná indická kráva... A tihle všichni se potkali na pláži brazilského ostrůvku kdesi v Atlantiku. Za mě super.

The Old Village

The original fishing village and port are just twenty minutes from the Via Crucis. We visited it in late December, so it was all lit up with Christmas decorations, which felt rather psychedelic to me—like the shiny snowflakes on subtropical trees at the small plaza in front of Igreja Nossa Senhora D'Ajuda, the old church. Besides the church, there are several old colonial buildings, including the city hall.

Původní rybářská osada je asi dvacet minut od křížové cesty. Na konci prosince byla nazdobena vánočně, ale působila spíš psychedelicky. A to jsem na světýlka na palmách zvyklý z vánočního Španělska. Kromě kostela Igreja Nossa Senhora D'Ajuda a staré radnice je tu ještě několik malebných koloniálních budov.

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Bzzzrrr! Deus, que destino paradisíaco é o Ilhabela! Quem sabe uma abelha como eu possa pular de felicidade ao pensar em esse lugar! Obrigada, @godfish, por dividir essa maravilha conosco!


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You are in a fantastic community the beach and the local park are beautiful, and the structures and the scripture of the religion have made it perfect and one of the attractions I could say. and the beach is clean even have a crowd. had a relaxing moment you have I'm sure.


Esta publicação é uma homenagem à cultura e uma expressão de amor ao bom gosto e ao bom trabalho.

Sempre amei o Brasil pela sua cultura, seus desportos, suas paisagens, suas praias, seu povo, sua natureza e sua história.

Esta publicação combina praia e cultura e vejo de tudo, desde um bom ambiente na praia, apesar do céu nublado, até estátuas que recriam histórias de lutas e romanos, Dom Quixote e seu escudeiro, a crucificação de Jesus e o bom gosto em geral.
Obrigado pela publicação
Feliz segunda-feira e uma semana melhor.

Saúde e saudações.


I'm glad you enjoyed the post :) So you've also traveled across Brazil, right?


I wish I had had the pleasure of going to Brazil, seeing the architectural beauty of Brasilia, the modern capital designed by Oscar Niemeyer, being at the carnivals in Rio de Janeiro or bathing on the beaches of Copacabana.

But no, I have not traveled to Brazil.
What I know is from my studies as a geography teacher.
My trips have been imaginary.

Happy Monday.

Cheers and greetings.


Man next time you should go to Ilha Grande in Rio’s state!!! And tell me after 😬 much more nature and one of the top beaches of the world called Lopes Mendes!


Next time, I am going to visit a completely different country :P

Actually, I need to go to Budapest in a couple of weeks. Not that it would be the destination of my dream, it's gonna be a business trip.


Opravdu trochu zvláštní pojetí křížové cesty. Holt jiný kraj, jiný mrav :-)


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The weather of this place and the beauty of architecture and nature is simply splendid. Thanks for sharing ur wonderful experience...


Very good view of the sea view that you photographed so I really really like it when I see it


I like the statues. Bible stories, aren't they? And mixed with other gods.


Yes, a rather unorthodox Via Crucis :) Aren't these common in Slovenia too? I thought the Habsburgs were promoting Catholicism wherever and whenever they could, and this is one of the typical perks of Catholicism :)

The Via Crucis in Ilhabela blends all dominant religions together, though.


There is something similar, but they are wooden; at the crossings between villages, I see these are metal.


Well, it rains there most of the year :)) Wooden statues would only last few decades :)


It's raining a lot here too. The metal ones would probably rust :)


There's chromium to save the day ;)
