What Makes Me, Me

Humanity is one of the greatest creations, and often I do ponder about how unique every human is despite our population, I guess that's what makes you, you. Even identical twins still differ in character, no matter how close they are, and that is what makes every individual special. Today, I would like to share with us what makes Glorydee special, might be interesting or boring, but that is me, what makes today's me has been the experience I've gathered overtime, my genetic makeup is the physical me you see, and the people have met in my three decades on earth have in one way or another impacted today's me, yes today, because I'm still in the journey of life, learning, growing and giving up on things or emotions that lessen my uniqueness.


To start with, I've always considered myself to be introverted, well, because most times being in my space feels more recharging and I'm able to place attentiveness to things and also get things done as they should, but the funny thing is when I give up that personal space I can get so extroverted you wouldn't believe I was the person who was basking in her privacy some moments ago It's like I have this switch inside me that sometimes flips, especially when I know I've overdone keeping to my space and genuinely want to reach out to friends and family. It didn't just happen, I trained myself to be intentional about reaching out to loved ones, attending family events because life can be so short, instances in the past have made me realize that today Is all we have to make others know we care and the world doesn't revolve around one person, we all need each other to survive. When the moment strikes, I'm the life of the party. Well, maybe not the life of the party, but definitely more outgoing than I used to be.

So far, I've been able to create a balance, knowing when to really get that self recharge and when to open up, I bet If my family or friends is asked which is the real me, the quiet one or the outgoing one, they would be confused about which to chose because I am not impartial and I've realized that both sides are equal genuine parts of who I am and mostly appear when the situation demands it.


Without any doubt, one strong part of my personality is that I can't stand the ill-treatment of a fellow human no matter their class or level in life, I believe every human should be accorded respect, so when I find someone belittled or looked down upon, especially when they take advantage of them, it makes me feel very irritable, and I can't help but try to stand up for the person, this part of me has gotten me into trouble sometimes. Speaking up against injustice doesn't always end up with the right judgment, especially in my country, where people respect power and wealth more than humanity itself, sometimes I win when I take a stand but other times I lose, that has not weighed me down though, I will keep on staying true to this aspect of myself as I've seen people who lacked self-confidence and self-love begin to see themselves as someone who isn't less human and deserve to be loved and treated right. This is more important and is a big part of what makes me, me.

Another important aspect of my identity is my independent mindset which has strengthened me to be more hardworking, growing up in a family that had to struggle for most basic needs of life right from a very young age, and seeing women around me give up their potentials in the name of culture and marriage, "A girl's education ends up in the kitchen" they would always, I made a promise to myself to not let this saying reflect in me, Yea, I'm a woman, a proud one, yes, I would use the kitchen, Yes, I would get married, which I am already, Yes, I would have my children, but it doesn't end there, I would also create a solution to the world in my own little way, stand on my own two feet. Which means being dedicated and hardworking. I don't shy away from putting in the effort to achieve my goals or to solve problems.

This spirit of independence has helped body my personality in many ways. It has pushed me to learn new skills and to take on challenges that might have seemed daunting at first. independence doesn't mean isolation or being disrespectful to your husband which is the mindset of some African men, for it means I'm also a human like you and we deserve mutual respect, and I can be productive as well, giving my full support when my family and society needs me

And Finally but not least about me because I can go on and on

When it comes to relationships, I give my all, when I love, I love wholeheartedly. Putting all my effort into making you feel special, because I love to be treated the same way, be it romantic, friendship, or family relationship. The capacity to love deeply is something I value about myself. But the bad side to this part of me is when I get hurt by the people I love it hurts deeply too which isn't always a good experience for me when it happens, such is life, but that doesn't mean I'll stop giving my all, I've accepted it to be the price paid cos then they do, they are the one at lost, not me

Fitting In

Fitting in can go smoothly or really challenging at times, but there are moments when things work out just fine, I remember feeling worried when I was about to start a new school program, worried if I would blend in, first because of my age difference and also because of the different personalities I would meet but thankfully things turned out fine, and when they got to know my age, they were astonished I could easily blend in, I thank mother nature for the slim none aging figure for that, truth is, it doesn't always go that smoothly, we just learn to adjust as long as I remain authentic.


So, what makes me, me? It's this whole not so perfect, beautiful combination of traits and experiences I've gathered so far in life, both good and bad, and the choices I've made along the way.

I'm still figuring it all out, to be honest, as change and learning is a continuous process , and that's okay.

This post is inspired by the #septemberinleo monthly contest, Day 7 Check it out and be inspired.

All images used in this post are mine

Thank you for reading.❤❤

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
