Time to Stop the Superstitions: Debunking Nigeria's Irrational Cat Beliefs
It is often a wonder to me how I grew up believing some superstitions about cats, and these beliefs instilled Ailurophobia in most Nigerian kids and adults, I remember that the mere sight of a cat could make me develop goose bumps out of fear, I could barely look at this cute little feline creature to the diverse superstitions, folktales and spiritual beliefs that surrounded them, they are considered as taboo to keep as pets, some tribes in my country, and some wicked humans go as far as torturing them for this same belief as if the bias ill-treatment they receive isn't enough.
It wasn't after being well informed and educated about this our feline companion also having a white neighbor who had about 8 cats in her house that my perspective changed about them, I believe certain deep-rooted superstitions in Nigerian society have overstayed their welcome in this modern age, and top among the list is the irrational beliefs and ill-treatment of cats be stopped These falsely accused felines have unfairly endured centuries of undue cruelty across many African cultures
all in the name of superstition.
Here are some of the most common superstitious beliefs about cats in Nigeria that need to be stopped and replaced with rational understanding.
Black Cats as Unlucky Omens
This is a very common superstition you are likely to hear, especially the ones we see at night, ha! It sends kids running for their lives while adults try to hunt them not as meat but as one fighting an enemy, they believe black cats to be carriers of misfortune, and anywhere it is found, bad things happen. Life isn't meant to be fair always you know, and one doesn't need to start blaming an innocent cat that is probably finding what to fill its hungry stomach at night, if things aren't going right for you, search yourself and think of what to do to improve your life, don't go blaming a cat, to think that my neighbor Mrs Xavier has 2 black data among her eight cats and lives very comfortably, so if you carry this notion, stop it!
Furthermore, science and logic long ago have already proven that a cat's fur pigmentation has nothing to do with its demeanor, behavioral traits, or supernatural metaphysical connections. It's just like referring to black people as evil because of their high Melanie pigmentation
- Cats as Evil Witches or Supernatural Conspirators
This is another tragic idea forced down on us, our local Nollywood actors in those days even made it worse by always portraying cats as an evil shapeshifter and a witch companion, these myths often characterize cats as accomplices, lookouts, or willing shape-shifting hosts used by witches to used to torment human victims. This is so wrong.
For us Nigerians to persist in casting cats as supernatural creatures in the 21st century represents an irrational disregard for objective facts about cat biology, psychology, cruelty, torture, and killing of cats that we now understand to be highly intelligent companion animals with zero supernatural demonic connections.
When my neighbour came in newly, we were so scared that some people even referred to her as a witch, but far from that, she was the nicest and coolest human I've known and often referred to her cats as her babies, they were so clean because she took proper care of them and very adorable, we had no choice than to get close to her and in turn, get to understand these feline cuties that have been wrongfully accused all our lives. Do you know that domesticated housecat companions have been scientifically demonstrated to be very valuable for our physical and mental health, For example, they help decrease allergy/asthma episodes and also reduce risks of heart disease.
To put an end to this feline cruelty, increased public education and greater access to factual information about cat biology, psychology, and evolutionary history should be put in place to address the situation, kids should be taught the right things about them and not be instilled with fear of cats.
What would be more effective is if elders and community leaders become even more outspoken about putting a stop to cruel prejudices and supernatural feline myths that are dehumanizing and harmful. They can set positive examples by openly countering cat folklore and placing a penalty for perpetuating cat violence.
Realistically, some of the most stubborn cat superstitions may persist across Nigeria's remote populations, it would be hard to convince local village men and women about what they think they know for generations more. But through constant education, advocacy, also making sure that people follow the right norm-setting over the long term, hopefully, these irrational beliefs and cruelties would fade into nothing more than historical obscurities.
It's high time we replace fearful mythology with facts, logic, compassion, and an embracement of our feline pets.
This post is inspired by the #Aprilinleo monthly topics, don't get stuck thinking about what to write on, check the announcement post and join in the fun writing moments
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Thank you for reading.❤❤
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This is beautifully written. You did a great job.
I just learnt a new word "ailurophobia",😅 thanks.
One thing with superstition is that they are entrenched into the fabrics of our daily lives. They are not easy to be forgotten.
Thank you so much, I had to learn the word for this post as well,
An educated generation can help clear the belief to some extent.
Another innocent animal in this category is the wall gecko...
My parents thought us to always kill them lol
I can so relate, I wonder how they came about this ideology😅
Hahaha, I can relate to this, many people hate cats, birds and wall gecko in African countries because of the myths surrounding them, what a great post this was.
Thanks sis, our superstitious belief has blinded us to their good side.
You're welcome.