The game of deception and corruption is not for me

Growing up as a child, we learn mostly by listening and watching our elderly ones, the reason why you see most kids behave like their parents, but one topic that has always felt vague and uninteresting to me even though it's always discussed by adult with all seriousness and enthusiasms Is politics, the fact that it always ends in arguments and them voicing out their thoughts with bitter expression made me loath the topic even more.


I learned much earlier that politics is not as it seems, and there is more to it, and some words are best left unspoken, especially among unknown crowds to avoid being a victim of political war. Well, I have never been a part of political affairs only if a high school leadership/prefect election is considered one, aside that I've never and don't think I have the interest in contesting for a political role at least for now, because I know the only thing constant in Life is change, and there are so many reasons why the political seat is pike a taboo to so many, starting the fact that everything is not just black and white, especially in my country Nigeria, it is a well-known fact that for someone to be given the privilege to contest for the presidential seat for instance, you have to be affluent, have connections in the high places and also ready to stain your hands dirty, you read that correctly, corruption and other crimes that I can't even mention to make the post declaimer free are what we have going here in Nigeria.

The last election conducted is what even made everyone lose hope that Nigeria can ever have a free and fair election and the good leaders will finally have the courage to take that seat, hopes were bashed, blood was shed right before our eyes, and the people"s choice was denied their victory and given to the more affluent with the top most connection, that alone made me lost any iota of hope thought my country will have, and this is not just about me alone, I know thee most percentages of the Nigerian citizen's heart were broken, a lot of people who had lost hope, thought it could be restored, we came out to exercise our voters right, believing we had power in numbers, but no, the very same corruption took over and all hope crashed.

The ills of politics I would love to change
It has to be corruption, this has been the root of all evil we face in the country today, it is so bad that it has spread all around the sphere of the government bodies, no one is trusted anymore, leaders are not after the change they can bring to the people they lead, but are rather power thirsty and selfish, only looking out for what they can loot for themselves and generation unborn, we've seen this play out every time and we are so tired, we need that positive change.

Secondly, where are the leaders of tomorrow that were promised to be leaders, it's so sad and annoying to see our system keep shuffling the very same old leaders over and over again, there is no change, the leaders of tomorrow are grown how, but our grandpas gave refused to give a fresh start to the supposed leaders of tomorrow, that needs to be changed.

Thank you for reading❤❤

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


The last election isn't what made me lose interest in politics, this has lingers for long before last election, the last is just an example of what happened every year.

And while after reading your complain, I expect you to want to join, you're abstaining, I don't think that's good idea, because when we keep complaining of bad people, when what we need is more good people in politics, but y'all are running away, I don't think we have right to complain if we don't want to be involved.


Exactly, but the last one was the real eyes opener for most of us youths.

Hmm, true, but everyone needs to guide themselves, especially when exercising our right proves you be useless, only the powerful wins in Nigeria, we all know that now, no the right people.


This is not only the problem of Nigeria but the whole world especially Pakistan and India are facing same problems. There is a lot of corruption here. People no longer trust politics. Due to numerous bad seeds in politics , young talent can not emerge.
