Meet My Little Genius

Growing up as a child, though shy, but whenever I let myself known especially when it came to my academics I always left my spectator in awe, even though I kept mostly to myself, I was a curious kid who never gave up in search of new knowledge, imagine that your classmate that always read ahead of the term, and answered the teachers question before it even landed, that was me, I remember a time my mum was invited to the school, for a moment, I thought I was in trouble that I wasn't aware of, only for my mum to be told that I would have to be placed in a class ahead of mine, because I was ahead of my classmates, which made me finish high school at a very young age of 13.


Becoming a mother now, I always prayed to have a child that had that same level of curiosity or even more, though less of the shyness and bless the heavens, my prayer got answered with my womb opener being an exceptionally intelligent girl herself, right from her a tender age, I've always been amazed with her attention, care, and curiosity that sometimes I ask her who is the mother between us. She never stops asking to know more when something piques her interest, and her dad already nicknamed her "science student" because she is always experimentingggg with things, get her a new toy and she would want to know how it was made, even though most of them ends up not being the same, but this gene should be from my younger sister who acts same way even till now that we name nicknamed her "miss screwdriver" she also started from a young age just like my daughter, when our DVD player, remote or dad's television misbehaved, trust Jessica to find a solution with her screwexperimentin


Talking about care, I don't know how she does it, my first daughter knows how to read people's emotions, she knows when things are not going too well and maybe she probably needs something at that moment, you will hear her say "Don't worry mommy, all will be well" and she will end up not asking for what she wanted to demand from, I didn't notice this on time, not until a day I dropped her off in school and her teacher called my attention and asked why I haven't yet paid for her story books which were unlike me to do, she loves reading these story books both the ones needed in her school curriculum, mine and any book she finds, and I buy as much as she wants, the reason why at 6 she already knows how to read very well even complicated words, its always fun for her to break the words apart while pronouncing and join them all together, it doesn't stop there, she still goes ahead to find its meaning. So I was surprised because I wasn't told about the new story books she was given, we called her and she affirmed she didn't tell me because I was going through some financial stress at that moment, settling some hospital bills of a family member, so she was just telling her aunt my mum would pay soon, I felt very emotional knowing that my child pays attention to every tiny details and emotions, and cares a lot about how I feel, not wanting to add more burden on me, I made her aware that she is not a burden rather my number one responsibility and so she shouldn't hide her difficulties from, the more reason why I'm always very cautious about baring my emotions in front of them, especially her, because I know that feeling of care is inborn in her.


It is rare to find kids whose love for reading and learning is a fun thing to do, after school, taking her bath and having her meal which I would always have to force her to do if not, she would choose to do her homework first, she also would gather her cousins and our neighbor's children and act like their teacher, giving them words to spell, like a spelling bee competition, it amazes me that she doesn't just find joy with knowing how to spell new words she learns alone, but would always want to share them with her peers, that a neighbor of ours, a mother of one of her friend who is same age with her wants to change school for her son so he could catch up with her in spelling and reading, I just made her aware that children are different, the fact that he is not so good with spelling and reading doesn't mean he won't catch up later and he definitely would have areas he's good in, so she shouldn't add unnecessary pressure to her child.

This is my response to the Hive learner's week 114 edition 1 topic, "Sheer intelligence".

All images used in this post are mine

Thank you for reading.❤❤

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It seems like God has increased this generation's brain so that they could be more intelligent than us because a small girl like her was supposed to behave like a child but she behaves like an adult.


It seems so, my mum would say that we are reborning old people in today's generation🤣


But this our fine girl not resemble you for looks o, so she is very okay with taking after your intelligence hehe
She's so beautiful and from all you've said, indeed very intelligent 🤗❤️

I love the part where she learns and carry others along, that's so beautiful!


Lol, she's her father's daughter.

Yeah, I'm lucky to have a caring daughter and one who is also generous with her knowledge.

Thanks my Merit.


Sometimes I wondered where these children get their intelligence from. Just like my niece 😂 that girl always surprises me.
