Let's go back to the deep rooted family kind of love

Have you ever wondered why we don't get to choose the family we are born into? This is because we learn firsthand what love is without the need for a reason to love or wanting something in return, The real kind of love, but that doesn't mean it has to be smooth at all times, parent loves their children even when they do things against their will, they feel upset and caution us but that doesn't mean they love us any lesser, what about siblings, they share things, argue, even fight but still have a way of settling their dispute, that is love. The family was made out of love, it's the union that expands to other groups, your friend, boss, clients, etc all have a family of theirs.


If the first real union was born out of the foundation of love, why then does the world experience a lack of love as each day passes by? Conflict, a growing sense of isolation, one cannot help but wonder, how did we stray so far from the first path we were both into, the unwavering love that defined our earliest experiences?


Perhaps the answer lies in the complexities of modern life, where the relentless pursuit of success, wealth, and status has gradually stolen the primary means of our daily existence, LOVE. In a world driven by selfishness and competition, the selfless act of loving without expectation or condition has become increasingly overshadowed by a give-and-take mindset, where people only give out affection if there is something in return for them. No wonder a lot of us might have plenty of friends but still have that feeling of loneliness inside of us.

Isn't it a cruel irony that in this age of outstanding connectivity through the advent of technology, we still find ourselves fighting a profound sense of loneliness and isolation, yearning for the very love that once flowed so freely within the sanctuaries of our family homes. We see stories of depression and suicides, the recent one which happened in my country, a young beautiful banker gave in to suicide due to depression and distress, a socialite at that, one question I can't stop asking is where are family and friends, did she stay alone, even though some people can be quite introverted, but there should have been one person she loved or loved her to have seen through her, how sad.


One thing I'm grateful for is my family, yes, I've made numerous friends over the years and I'm grateful tor them as well, but friends come and go, changing schools, and countries, getting married, having kids, etc, changes people, trust me I've been there, only a few still reach out once in a while to catch up, but do you know who never goes or stay far no matter how far I am or they are, and always there for each other in times of happiness and sadness, that's family.

People often wonder why I and my siblings never broke apart even after marriage, schooling, traveling, and all, the bond we share, even after having kids, is rooted deep and didn't just start now, it is how we were brought up by our parents, their overwhelming love for all of us, never making anyone feel loved than the other, making sure to praise or chasten us all when we do wrong, and also the way they cared for each other, we learned to love, respect and adore each other just by watching them as we grew, and it has laid a permanent positive influence on us. Our husbands adore this about us that they often even joke about traveling very far away, only to see my sisters as my next-door neighbors, lol, it's that strong.

Imagine a world where we extend the same unwavering love we offer our families to all those we encounter, regardless of doctrine, status, or any other circumstance. A world where we celebrate our differences not as sources of division, but as what brings us together even more, supporting and uplifting others where we can, the unbreakable bonds of love. I was passing by a church today, and heard the speaker preaching through the loudspeaker outside, he said, love your neighbor, and went further to say, do you know who your neighbor is? Your neighbor is not always your next-door neighbor, but anyone around you, anywhere you are at any time, extend love to them and help when you can, we are all one big family, don't let the borders of religion, race, medication, status, etc make you love less. For if we can go back to our root, and nurture that original unconditional affection, allowing it to flow freely in every aspect of our lives, we possess the power to transform not only our personal relationships but the power to change the world itself.

Just so you know, Love is not just a mere emotion, but the very essence of our being, or should I say humanity relies on love on thrive on. And it is only by embracing this life, allowing love to extend throughout every aspect of our lives, then can we truly unlock the potentials that lies in every one of us and within the world we share.

This post is inspired by the #MarchInleo monthly topics, check out the announcement post for daily topics ideas to write on.

Thank you for reading.❤❤

All images used in this post are mine.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


love the photos dear and right that family love is best support for us


Thanks, dear, so right, family is the biggest support ever.


Awwwww for some reason I just love today’s March Inleo prompt and you my !Lady did justice to the topic.

Beautiful ladies, your pictures reminds me of my sisters🥰


I so much love the topic too, it can be seen from different angles.

Thank you so much.


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