Got whipped and grounded for helping a friend

What is a family without love? Or friendship without the same love, I've always said and keep on saying this that this world, humanity in general needs love to thrive on, without it, it's just another boring cold day. What makes us go the extra mile to help bring someone out of a situation is the simple four-letter word, LOVE, even though some people tend to take advantage of this feeling, that doesn't mean we stop giving our heart out in care, it's the only way to change that heart or soul you think can never feel the warmth of love, the world needs us to bring about that positive change, don't relent in helping people In need, it might not make sense now, but trust me, it will as time goes on.

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I've never really shared the story of how I met my husband for the first time, I guess the hive learner's current topic has brought about the chance to share the details 😅. As the usual spot for most couple first meetings, we met at a church, we were both invited for the first time, it was a music concert and he was the lead drummer, he was so good with the sticks that he got my introverted self dancing with reckless abandon and no care in the world, I still can't explain how, but that dance also drew his attention to me, and yea, he came to say hi after the service was over, bit to his surprise, it wasn't the care fee dancing girl that answered him this time but the shy Glory, still somehow we managed to keep the conversation going, while my friend who invited me waved me goodbye, and said she urgently needed to be at somewhere, the initial plan was to go home together, and here she ditched me with a total stranger, I was still very young and never stayed outside late, nothing later than 6pm I was supposed to be back at home, but then, my new found friend was suddenly having an attack, he was asthmatic and tried to behave like all was well, I could see through the stranger in front of me that he wasn't ok, I had a friend who also suffers same, I tried asking him if he was, as he sat at a corner in the street to catch his breath,and he said I could go that he was fine, letting his ego take the best part of him, I knew he didn't have any remedy at hand because he would have used it, all he tried to do were breathing exercise but it wasn't helping.


looking back, I now know something triggered the attack but I wasn't sure then, all I knew was my friend always had her inhaler handy, I pleaded with him to wait for me while I hurriedly ran to a closeby pharmacy, using my transport fare and last money I had left with me to get him an inhaler, all on my own accord. I arrived at his location and watched him administer the air to his lungs, and a bit of sadness in his eyes as his breathing loosened up, but I didn't want him to feel any of that and warmed up to him like we've known each other for long with our little conversation.


He wanted to pay me for the inhaler, but I refused, I can't say why, I just felt, it was my turn to render help to someone. Without a dime left, and it was getting dark, I hurried home myself, I couldn't even afford a bike home time passed and I arrived home behind the usual time I ought to be back, my mum's sister insisted I should tell her where I've been, when I tried explaining to her, she didn't even wait for me to finish before escalating the situation that I've started having boyfriend, to cut the story short, I got a good whipping and was grounded for a whole month, no more accepting church invites from friends, while my new friend always went back to the church we met the whole time in hopes of meeting me again, lol, I guess you already know how that ended.

Phew! 😂

Thank you for reading.❤❤


Hehehe 😁 lemme guess Romeo and Juliet got married and had kids together.
Such beautiful memories.
It's good to help people around because you might as well need their help later in the future.


Lol, you guessed right 😅

Oh yes, because you don't know the purpose of your meeting.


What an interesting story. You dawned any consequence to save a life. I wished the story continued. I like reading love stories, 😂.


Haha, truth be told, I was scared o, but saving a life was more important. Glad you like my story.


You acted a heroin and that was so brave of you despite it didn't turned out cool for you at the end but it was worth saving your friend from danger...


Yeah, saving him was worth all the punishment.
