Exploring the Evolution of Inleo: A Journey of Improvements and User Experience


Being an active user on Hive has been nothing short of a wonderful experience, right from my early days as a newbie till now, almost two years now, and all of these experiences wouldn't have been possible without you all, also navigating through the different frontend on the block hain getting to understand and make optimal use of every benefit they provide.

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I will be basing this post on my experience so far using the Inleo frontend which is my most used frontend for publishing my post, the reason is not far-fetched from all the benefits it provides, and also watching it improve significantly is worth writing about.

As one of the early adopters of this frontend, the early days were not as enjoyable as it is now, it was like a roller coaster ride and not being patient then would have you give up, what kept me going was seeing the active team working tirelessly to bring improvement on Inleo, there is even a #feedback that makes us easily report any bug found, and without much time wastage improvements follows, making it more user-friendly experience currently, Inleo exemplifies the challenges and triumphs of pioneering the web3 social space.

The Improvements

simply getting logged in and navigating basic functionality was an uphill battle at times, I remember always trying out different browsers to get the best experience from Chrome to Phoenix till I settled for Kiwi, well obviously it wasn't a browser issue but the login interface, today logging in is as simple as A, B, C, no stress, no delay and there are different login options to chose from as you can see from the login page image below

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Picture/ Video upload Issues

Once logged in, more frustrations emerged when attempting to upload pictures on threads or long-form posts, I would always stare and wait as my patience got exhausted while waiting for images to get uploaded, it wasn't fun for someone to spend time writing our long thought only for the media to refuse uploading properly. Of course, I used the #feedback and suggestions were made by fellow users that I should reduce/crop my image size, and that was when I found relief from the upload issues, these days I don't need to reduce my image size before uploading them both on threads and long-form post, and it takes very minimal seconds to get them uploaded. Kudos to the team for this improvement.

Threads Disappearing

I'm not sure if it was last month or this month that I experienced an already-published thread disappear, despite successfully publishing them initially. I would revisit the platform after a while only to find that my threads were missing. For creators (like myself) who value archiving my work and insights, as inspiration could come at the time of publishing them, watching threads seemingly vanish into a black hole fueled some frustration, I noticed that curators were alert on this plight so quality content was not missed during this period, we were in fact asked to reshare our links, which brought calm to the users knowing someone was out there watching out and making sure everything was under control.


Premium Experience

I was skeptical about joining the premium users because I wasn't sure of its benefits not until I was gifted did I really experience the difference of being a premium user, first, you get that checkmark next to your profile alongside some features that were hidden to non-premium users, like having a kind of long-form thread compared to the lesser word count restriction before, I can also easily edit an error in my threads, and the juicy part, I get to have Leo.voter visit my quality long-form post which without any doubt is very encouraging and worth the amount used I subscribing for the month because you earn that right back. So when my gifted premium expired, I wasted no time in re-subscribing so as not to lose out on all its benefits.

*Inleo Monthly Topics Initiative"

This is one of the best initiatives that happened to the Hive blockchain, the #Aprilinleo will be rounding up soon, in this initiative, topics are already given for every day of the month, so we don't have to worry about what to write on daily, you know Leofinance to be strictly for topics related to finance or crypto topics, but inleo is a general frontend as it accommodates all community on Hive, isn't that awesome, so if you were skeptical about joining thinking it was only for finance topics, relax and join in, you can check this announcement post for more while we look forward to #Mayinleo hopefully.

Immense credit goes to the Inleo team for the improvements and support, and also for never shying away from acknowledging the feedback instead rewarding us for finding bugs to further encourage every user and take Inleo to that promised peak, also to the never-relenting users for searching out bugs and reporting them, and staying true to Inleo with your threads and engagement keeping the front end alive, Well done everyone.

Thank you for reading.❤❤

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
