

School life is so much fun, at least for me, considering the different stages of my life, the time I had the most freedom, less responsibility, more friends, and a lot of time to fantasize than living the reality, sometimes, well scratch that, most times, I wish life could be the way we were in school, caring less and do things on impulse to worry or not about the consequences later.


If you ever went to a Nigerian university you know the most fun starts in your sophomore year, as you are still very well guided by your parent's advice(more like a warning or threat) about staying focused and reading just your books alone and attending classes, another ubiquitous advice is not to follow bad friends as they would be your doom.

Yeah, I tried my best to be the "good girl" my parents wanted me to be, heeding all their advice, I was more like a nerd with zero friends, courtesy of going to school from my aunt's house unlike my coursemates that stayed in the school hostel, it was indeed a boring first year in school, I got good grades though, but was that really the ideal school life? My ideal school life began in my sophomore year, by then, I had pleaded with my aunt to let me stay in the school hostel, and that was how I met my friends and frenemies as well If you don't know what that word means read it again slowly, I'm sure you do now, my roomies and fellow hostel lodgers, the friends my parent warned me about, amongst them were Abas, Fab, and Mary who were my closest of friends, but surprisingly with totally different characters, Abas was the religious type on the outside, but her character says otherwise, very judgy

Fab, on the other hand, was the opposite, she was the kind of girl people instantly judged as the bad influence type because she was blunt and very extroverted, you would think she has known you for ages when starts a convo with you, her fashion sense was luxury courtesy of coming from a rich home, but rather indecent sometimes. With all of these, she had the kindest of heart.

Mary is whom I would tag the wisest, and kind of kept a balance, you could hardly tell when she was mad and she completed us because she knew when to call us to order, the reason she received the nickname 'mother Mary' apart from being the eldest she was motherly at heart, as for me I was open and ready to explore the world through these amazing friends.

One Saturday morning, Fab and Mary, who were our next-door hostel neighbors, barged in with four invitation cards, Fab as usual in her full energy mode, scantily dressed in her nighty which was more like a mesh, Mary in her pink Pajamas, as I rubbed on my sleepy eyes, feeling irritated that my sweet morning sleep has been interrupted, it was hard falling back to sleep after this interruption.

Today is Saturday for Christ's sake, can't you let us get small morning sleep as we don't have Mr. Umoh's 7 am class to attend,

that lecturer had put us through hell the previous weekends, although this statement was meant to be serious I know it will end up on deaf ears, and the 'us' happened to be just me sleeping, Abas was already fully dressed for fellowship not surprisingly, but Fab still had to ask where she was headed to this early morning.

Babe, better save your energy for later because I got four invites for us to attend Emeka's birthday party,

she didn't finish before Abas cut her off, I'm not going as we all turned focus to her direction, Emeka was like the coolest guy in our department, though our senior as he was a year ahead of us, very handsome, smart with a lot of girls crushing on him, his dad was also a top politician in the state, so you see why his birthday party equaled fun, which we were all about, Abas had to bring up her negative vibes ones again.

She must have imagined Fab's next witty remark or was it my not directly but directly aiming at her funny gesture and Mary's unbothered heavy look in nanoseconds, that she rearranged her statement, ok, I will come, but after fellowship, the party starts at 4 pm and we were meant to leave by 4:30 pm or 5 pm, don't ask me why, just know it's an African thing to arrive at an event late, but by 6:00 pm Abas was yet to be back from a fellowship that ended around 2 pm, we kept waiting and became worried, because she assured was she would tag along, the last time she called around 1 pm, Let's go, she is not coming, Mary said but Fab and I were too worried to leave, at least let her show face and we can be on our way, we had earlier called a fellow church member of hers who informed us that they had indeed closed around 2 pm, now where did Abas go to?


I'm no longer interested going'

should have sufficed instead of leaving us worried about her whereabouts, we had called all mutual friends we knew, but still there was no trace of Abas, and we couldn't report to the police yet, we were not sure if she was missing, our party shoes were already pulled out at this point, it was 7 pm, all three girls including myself in my room, we heard a cringe of the old door, the person outside was sure checking if it was locked, Fab instantly stood up and gave the door more way for the intruder, standing outside frozen was Abas with a BOY! planting what seemed to be a good night kiss on her cheek, she probably thought we left for the party, being unable to utter a single word, the next dumbest excuse she could say was after regaining herself was

I was kidnapped by this guy on my way back from church, who happened to be my long-lost relative, and he had to take me to our family village to verify who he was, but then I managed to escape and he followed me here to apologize and make amends.

And, of course, we all were staring at her with open mouth thinking, "Girl, who do you think you're fooling?! Abas this is your boyfriend, why do you think you could hide him from us, we weren't mad anymore, she definitely thought she was the sharpest in the shed pulling that move and excuse on us, but she was far from it, we spent the evening probing Abas and her new boyfriend which gave us more satisfaction for the night as Abas had always preached against having a boyfriend, and the next day hearing stories of how the party ended in a fight which had the police arrest some of the boys and girls made us relieved that we missed it.

This post is also inspired by the #februaryinleo monthly writing topics, day 7, and it sort of matches the creative nonfiction prompt of the week,

Thank you for reading.

Posted Using INLEO


Maybe I was lost, maybe I didn't calculate very well the bond between your guys because how could she just appear on the scene with a guy and started acting Nollywood scenes?? You guys didn't even shout at her like a baby for not allowing your to go to the party. 😅


Lol, normally we are the bad girls to her because we don't judge people having a boyfriend doesn't make you bad, but she is the all-righteous one, not knowing she was keeping hers a secret


Quite a funny story. Abas thought she could successfully hide her boyfriend from you guys, but her plan failed.
