From Grief to Growth: How Losing My Mom Inspired Me to Restructure My Mind
Losing a loved one is never easy, but for me, losing my mom turned my world upside down. Her sudden death opened my eyes to the fragility of life and made me realize that I needed to reevaluate my priorities and restructure my mind.
First of all I felt only grief. At that moment, it as if the happiness had been replaced by a heavy black fog which had descended over me. But month after month the days stacked up, and as the days turned into weeks and weeks into months, I began to find a ray of hope.
Even though my mom was an angel, I knew she would want me to take life and seize all the opportunities and make her happy. Therefore, I took a willed determination and redirected the structure of my mind a new perception towards life.
The change journey began with setting individual self as well as organizational goals as part of the transition. By challenging myself, I was able to get out of that comfort Zone mentality that most people have where they are to scared to go for opportunities that they want. There remained a streak of determination in me which told me that I had to do everything now, there could be no tomorrow, no wasted time.
I also focused on being around only positive people and nurtures that would help me feel empowered. More often than not I turned to people who caring to guide me or to persons I knew who would not let me low myself and would always aim high. They guided me and motivated me and made me not lose hope no matter how hard life was going to get.
By redoing my way of make thinking, I found new strength and purpose in my character within myself. It helped me understand that I was able to do much more than I have been able to do for so long, would be capable of choosing my own life and paving my own way towards the life I wanted to live.
This has been a journey of personal development and interference and like all other processes, I have faced some difficulties and losses on the way. Of course, there were times when I worried whether I was doing the right thing whether I was on the right path at all. But for these moments, I did not allow the bitterness of wheelchairs to break me down or limit me.
They turned into a path to learn, to develop, to build up my will and to increase dedication to a goal. I adopted the concept affirming that it is never a mistake to fail but in fact, it is a process to success.
Today as I am writing this reflection based on the experience of losing my mum and the change it brought into my life, I am a happy person that the process changed me for the better. She changed me into a person which I was not before losing her, she made me a stronger person.
There is no question that I have re-programmed my brain in areas I never dreamed I could, and I am determined to make the most of the remainder of my years on earth in a manner that would make my deceased mother proud. If she is gone from my life I no longer have her physically, but I know that she is watching over me and still loving me.
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This is Very inspiring.
I'm glad that you were able to turn your pain into purpose.
Also learnt the importance of our company in life.
Glad you had the right company that supported and nurtured you.
Keep winning.
Sending you Love ❣️
Thanks dear. I'm happy I was able to channel it to the right thing
Keep going 💪
Loosing a love one is difficult and the hole in the heart never seems to heal fast but glad you are becoming the strong lady that you are even in the midst f trials.
Yeah the gab is still there but I had to move on. Thanks for stopping by
Losing a loved one isn't an easy thing to navigate through; I could remember when my mum died, I felt my world crumbling before my eyes, but then I had to pick myself up because, after the tragedy, I was still faced with my decisions on how to go through life without my mother.
I'm happy you are okay and doing alright; picking those pieces and getting up can't be easy, but you are here doing all great; kudos to you, dear.