My Failed and successful side Hustles.


Hello Everyone. I hope we're doing great. Welcome to another positive and great week. This week's topic is so interesting and I will be writing on my failed and successful side hustle.


Side hustle is an additional source of income that an individual does outside their regular job or main source of income. Most of us had in one way or the other had a side hustle to attach to what we do in order to make ends meet. There are side hustles we have engaged in and it worked out perfectly for us and there are side hustles we tried out and it failed bringing regrets to us.

I have tried out several side hustles to attach to my main source of income. A few I tried failed and a few worked out.

First side hustle that I tried out was my dealing with pastries. After learning a skill in pastries and confectioneries I started baking pastries like chin chin, peanuts, small chops, meat pies and so on to sell. At the beginning it went well for some times but as the day went by things became so expensive and I had difficulty purchasing things to bake and still make gains. So I stopped baking. I felt bad about it. Because it was something I had grown to love doing and I actually loved eating those snacks so since I stopped I also stopped eating most of the snacks.

So I later indulged in selling materials such as Plain and pattern material, Ankara materials and senator materials. I was making sales and the business went well. It was successful until I started trusting my customers and giving them an avenue to buy my materials on credit. That was where I started failing. I realised that I had given out almost all the money for the business on credit. They found it difficult to pay and I did not have money again to continue in the business. A once blossomed business crashed because of my mistake of trusting people too much. Most of the debts till today i was unable to collect the money that was how that particular side hustle crashed. I was actually hurt because that business was really a good one for me with good gains and it really helped me save my main source of income because I was realizing great income from the mistake.

So I later indulged in producing and selling Tiger Nut Juice. That is another side hustle I indulged in. This one worked out for me. Since I had done a few businesses in the past and it didn't work out, I learned how to engage in another successfully. I took to doing ordering before production. I only produce Tigernut based on the quantities ordered. And I get my money without any debt. This is one of my successful side hustles. It has really helped me in getting the few things I need for myself without having to touch my main source of income. So this alone has covered up for the few side hustles I did and failed in.

Thanks for stopping by my blog

I still remain @gloreal.

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People need to learn finance etiquettes. If you take money from a person with a smile, return it with a smile!
I’m happy the tiger nut business is moving.


Exactly. Yeah it is really helping


It's annoying how people don't think of the health of the business when they owe, I won't even say it's your fault for trusting them, you were only learning to success.

I'm glad your tiger but business is doing well for you, keep it growing.


They think theyre doing you a favour even buying from you. Yes the tigernut business is really going well.


I admire your strength dear
So sorry about your failed ones
Am glad the Tigernut hustle is growing.congrats.


Oh dear @gloreal , I am sorry to hear that your plain and pattern material side hustle got ruined due to trust. Selling on credit has been one unhealthy aspect of any's just sad that it happened that least this tiger nut buz is working fine now. I don't need to stress on the need to avoid selling on credit because obviously, you learned lessons from your previous business
Thanks for sharing


Yes i really learnt my lessons. Thanks for stopping by
