A Favourite Song that Soothes my Soul.


Good day everyone. Welcome to my blog I am excited participating in another inleo initiative for the month of September.


About today’s initiative, I am so excited to see the topic is about music which happens to be my healing balm. Music is one hobby of mine that soothes my soul. Each time I am in a low state I sing or I listen to music before you know it I gain relieve from whatever it was that bothered me.

So I will be saying so much about my favourite song and it happens to be a hymn “How sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds”.This is an old time hymn written by John Newton. This is a song that ignites my spirit each time I sing it. This happens to be a daily song for me. I sing it every morning and night before I retire to bed. I used to sing this song as just a normal hymn until one of the days I sang it, I had a deeper revelation about the song.
The first stanza says:
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
in a believer's ear,
it soothes his sorrows his sorrow,
heals his wounds,
and drives away its fear


This particular lyric brings me to the consciousness that no matter what I face in life I should not forget that only the Name of Jesus can soothe my sorrow and drive all my fears away. And I should not stop calling that name. As it is the only sweetest name that I have ever known.

There is One other lyrics that triggers me most that is in verse four which says:
Jesus, our saviour, shepherd, friend
Our prophet, priest, and king;
Our lord, our life, our way, our end
Accept the praise I bring

This particular verse of the hymn excites me so much. It helps me to stay in the consciousness that Jesus is my saviour, my shepherd and friend so therefore I should tell all of my problems, my pains and my happiness to him and also depend on him to live right. Jesus is the only way so this song always keeps me conscious to keep depending on him.


This song teaches me to keep depending on God, it brings me to the consciousness that in every problem I go through I should not forget to call on the name of Jesus because it is the only name that can soothe my sorrows. This is the reason why this hymn is my favourite. It passes a great message to me that has been helping me to stand firm and strong. It makes me conscious that Jesus is my saviour, my friend, my Life and my way.

Here is the lyrics of the song

How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
In a believer's ears
It soothes his sorrows
Heals his wounds
And drives away your fears

It makes the wounded spirit whole,
And calms the troubled breast;
’Tis manna to the hungry soul,
And to the weary rest,

Here is the full lyrics

Click the Link

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
