Make your decision
Many of us are afraid of making one decision or the other because we are concerned about what people will say, how people will see us, how people will rate us or think about us, and at the end of the day, we lose so many opportunities that would have paved say of success to us, we lose so many opportunities that would have set us financial buoyant and given us financially freedom all the rest of our living lives on earth, but no, we don't want to, because society kicks against it, because religion preaches against it. After all, it is ain't supposed to be what this particular gender is meant to be or do and we've lived miserably as a result of this choice and the thoughts that have caused our choices.
The funny truth is, majority of the people don't care about our decisions, they don't even know if you exist or not, these people do not give a hoot if we succeed or not, so why then do we care so much about what they will think about us.
Why do we carry the burden of what they will say, how they will see us, and treat us, and how angry they will be at us because of our choices or decisions? It is our choice, our decision, and we are going to be responsible for whatever decision we make concerning our lives. Why do we live our lives based on what people will think or care, why not on what the Holy Bible or Quran we read and meditate on
If the Holy Bible or Quran doesn't go against things, why then do we live based on what people or society go against? It is moral, it is society's morals, individual morals, and individual morals and I get it but why then do we hold it so dear?
Truth is, because it is what they go against, doesn't mean it is the right thing to do, people deciding to not do a particular thing, doesn't make it right and doesn't make it wrong either but the Holy Bible for those who are Christians and Quran for those who are Muslims gives us a perfect description of what is wrong and right/sin and pure.
Let's all know this, the majority of people who we think care about our decisions, don't actually do, they see you as a passing distraction to them, so today, instead of making particular decisions based on what people will say or think about you, make that decision base on the Holy Bible/Quaran, your conscience, and your heart desires.