Mi experiencia en uma musume pretty derby [ESP][ENG]
Mi experiencia en uma musume pretty derby [ESP]
My experience in uma musume pretty derby [ENG]
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Saludos amigos de la comunidad de Hive Gaming soy @ginmyvz Hoy le traigo otro blog de: uma musume pretty derby un juego que me has encantado y que les quiero traer en el día de hoy.
Greetings friends from the Hive Gaming community, I'm @ginmyvz Today I bring you another blog from: uma musume pretty derby a game that I have loved and that I want to bring you today.
Tengo que aclarar eso. No me considero un experto en el tema y tal vez diga una o dos cosas equivocadas ya que me considero muy nuevo en el tema, pero he estado jugando desde hace algún tiempo, así que cualquier error o cosa mala que diga estaré feliz. que cuales eran mis defectos. así que una vez aclarado empecemos.
I have to clarify that. I do not consider myself an expert on the subject and perhaps I will say one or two wrong things since I consider myself very new to the subject, but I have been playing for some time now so any errors or wrong things said I will be happy that what my faults were. so once that's cleared up let's get started.
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En un mundo muy parecido al nuestro, los grandes caballos de carreras del pasado tienen la oportunidad de renacer como "chicas caballo", niñas con las orejas y la cola de los caballos, así como su velocidad y resistencia. Las mejores de estas chicas de caballos van a entrenar a la Academia Tracen de Tokio, con la esperanza de pasar a la fama y la fortuna como corredores e ídolos. La primera temporada presenta a Special Week, una chica de caballos de secundaria del campo, que acaba de transferirse a Tracen. Está decidida a cumplir su promesa a su madre de convertirse en la mejor chica de caballos de Japón. De camino a la escuela, visita la pista de carreras e instantáneamente se enamora del estilo de Silence Suzuka, decidida a competir en el mismo equipo que ella.
In a world much like our own, the great racehorses of the past have the chance to be reborn as "horse girls" - girls with the ears and tails of horses, as well as their speed and stamina. The best of these horse girls go to train at Tokyo's Tracen Academy, hoping to go on to fame and fortune as racers and idols. The first season introduces Special Week, a high school horse girl from the country, who has just transferred to Tracen. She is determined to keep her promise to her mother to become the best horse girl in Japan. On her way to school, she visits the racetrack and instantly falls in love with Silence Suzuka's style, determined to compete on the same team as her.
uma musume pretty derby es un juego muy entretenido donde somos el maestro por lo tengo entendido de las alumnas "chicas caballo", cual vamos a estar apoyándola y entrenando para poder competir en las campeonato del instituto entre otras mejores alumnas y aparte de dar una mayor experiencia a la otra de entrenar a tu alumna como la experiencia de como se entrena un caballo de verdad antes de la carrera si no ayudarla como una idols y verla cantar.
uma musume pretty derby is a very entertaining game where we are the teacher from what I understand of the "horse girls" students, which we are going to be supporting and training to be able to compete in the high school championships among other better students and apart from giving a greater experience to the other of training your student as the experience of how a real horse is trained before the race if not help her like an idol and see her sing.
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▶️ 3Speak
I didn't know about this game, and of course I understand that being in Japanese is complicated, I like the detail that you put in your 'publications ta very nice in the visual style of the content.
The video is also very detailed and informative, I liked everything. Didn't you think that maybe this game is based on a series?