Quality over quantity; my guaranteed saving technique.

Being a minimalist doesn't restrict me from purchasing expensive things as long as they are of great quality and importance to me. Aside from being trained that way, I learned the importance of going for quality earlier in life. I am very conscious when purchasing items because every cent I spend must be on the right thing, It's hard to make money and it would be unreasonable of me to spend it on something that's not worth it.

When purchasing items, the first thing I check is the quality and durability of the product. That's my style because it doesn't make sense for me to buy an item because it is cheap, use it for a few times and buy it again when the first one becomes bad. As a minimalist, it is okay to buy an item of great quality even though it is expensive rather than spending consecutively on only one item just because we are buying inferior quality for the sake of saving money.

Buying inferior quality with the idea of saving money doesn't seem to be a smart move because at the end of the day, you will end up spending more than buying the quality one that could have served you better.

I will like to clear a fact about buying expensive things because a lot of think when something is expensive, it would be of good quality. There are a lot of inferior products that are very expensive and people mistake them quality which is not.

Since there are lot of products imitation in Nigeria, I always build my footwear except sneakers and I have designated stores where I get good qualities.

When I got my first job some years ago, I bought a pair of black shoes because the last one I had gave up on me during the job hunt. It was of low quality but it was what I could afford but not the only option for me. I was beaten heavily by the rain one day and my shoe sole fell off on the road. It was really embarrassing and I didn't hesitate to get another one which served for a short period before breaking down.

For my third buy, I went to a second-hand market where I got a standard shoe. It wasn't new, it was the same price for the new inferior quality but it served me for a year and I even ended up giving it to one of my dispatch guys.

When purchasing, I do not calculate the value of money with the quantity it can give to me. I pay more attention to quality because that gives me the real satisfaction I want in exchange for my money.

I made the sandal in the picture below in 2019 and it's like one of my best buys.

I built it directly from a shoemaker instead of buying it from a store and it cost almost double the normal price I could have gotten it but the price didn't bother me.

I got for a traditional attire but there was a day I tried it on jeans and it was looking great so I started using it for both traditional and casual wear. Since 2019, I haven't bought a sandal because the price I paid for this is worth the quality I received.

Although, I don't wear it every day since I have other footwear but it has served me even more than I paid for it.

I am not a regular shopper and I can go a whole year without buying some items because the ones I have are still in very good condition. They didn't come at a cheap price but buying quality will help me focus on spending on another important aspect of my life than planning on how to get the product I bought a few months ago.

For groceries, I would rather buy in bulk to save money than buy inferior products that would leave me unsatisfied at the end of everything.

If you check my closet, it is not filled up and going for inferior qualities would have made it filled up. Aside from having to spend money on an item over and over again because they are of inferior quality, I will be breaking the big goals of minimalism if I choose inferior over quality because of price.

Generating more waste

Having to buy a particular product four times in a year when I can actually buy just one that would serve me throughout the year means I will be generating more waste which obviously can't be upcycled or recycled by me.
I am automatically putting pressure on nature to provide the resources that would be used to produce more inferior quality.


Cluttering my space is another thing I don't like and that might be unavoidable if I keep going for quantity over quality. Because it is cheap, it is easy to just keep buying even if they don't last long.

Quality over price has always worked for me and that has helped in so many ways.


The shoe looks good on you, I'm not also a regular shopper and I appreciate quality too avoid quantity 😂


I am careful in buying expensive items as I don't like wasting money... And you are right, some are expensive but low quality
While some branded clothes are expensive but just similar to ordinary ones and easily broken... People are most likely buying the brand, not the quality..
.I truly consider looking at the materials and quality before considering buying...



That's true, a lot of people are only chasing after brand names not quality. Being expensive just mean quality and I trust you are always on the look for quality truly.


Some are expensive because of the rent they are paying for the shop and transpo expenses in importing the items, ..


I get your point.. there's a saying that that I learned as a child, which has stuck with me my whole life.. "penny-wize pound-foolish". It often costs more to do the cheap thing. That said, I'm often on the lookout for a great deal, and have no problem with unbranded goods (provided it's quality). Thanks for sharing mate.


That's true, it cost more to do cheap things but not everyone understands that because they are not spending the money at a go.

Spending bit by bit eventually would cost more than doing something ones.


I also like going for the quality over quantity. Especially when it comes to dress and shoes i don't joke with it. I like your shoes, it looks good on you.


Thanks for the compliment, one has to always shine their eyes when purchasing any of those things.


I agree with you in this case. Quality should be the most concerning thing whenever we go for buying. Most of time we cost more because we go for cheap things and we need to buy that again and again which is overall loss.

By the way you sandal pairs looks good.


Thanks man, buying things that won't last long would only cause us to spend more money since we will need to buy that product over and over again


It is better to save and spend money on quality products than buy inferior ones and later, get spoilt and spend more money when you could have saved yourself initially. I also go for quality when I can afford it and not minding the price because I know it is what I will use for a satisfactory period of time.


Waiting to have enough for quality products is one of the reasons I don't buy things often. I will rather wait to get what will last longer for me than buy what will perish after using it for a short time.


You are right, quality should prevail as long as it can. I am struck by what you mention about the fact that not everything that is expensive is necessarily of good quality. It is necessary to make the observation that you make, to look at the durability and thus determine if it is really of quality.

A pleasure reading you 💫


There are a lot of inferior material in the market that are sold for the price of a quality one and we must ensure that we don't just assume that because it is expensive, it must be of good quality.


I totally agree with you, why buy many items that won't last if you can buy just one of very good quality and it will last a long time, you save a lot this way.


That has been my style and I find it cool. There is no reason why I should buy plenty that won't eventually give the satisfaction that will come from one.
