From Photo Clicks To Life Clicks.

One of the things blogging has inspired me to improve on is photography, I have always loved to take pictures but not as much as I do now. Imagine leaving your home with the mindset of capturing pictures all through your stay outdoor, a lot of people think of me as an unserious human when I bend by the bush side to capture an insect and this has become part of me.

I once mentioned that I envy many people who stay abroad because of how they take pictures freely, it's kind of challenging here to take pictures without being questioned especially in some parts of my city.

I have just a few pictures of myself and many of them were my woman's idea, she would insist I take pictures and just keep them on my phone. I am always like why should I do that when I can always snap a picture if I need one, unlike a random photograph of things that I might likely not see anytime soon?

The major reason why I go about capturing images is because of my blog and I find it really fun.

We have been experiencing a heat wave in the country and it's been quite challenging for many Nigerians. While engaging on Hive, I realized that it's not just an issue with only Nigerians because many countries are also experiencing irregular weather conditions.

Normally, it's the dry season when we don't expect rainfall but the weather doesn't get as hot as it was before the heavy rain that poured this week. When it eventually rained, the heavy downpour brought relief to all living things in the area where it poured.

My Image

While enjoying the touch of the rain on me because I took a stroll after it had poured and was just drizzling, I noticed that the banana trees somewhere in the neighbourhood have been looking pretty good while other plants have dried up and some struggling to survive. This banana plant isn't just surviving but also producing its fruit and it got me wondering how?

It wasn't my first time seeing those banana trees and it never crossed my mind how they were still healthy until now so I went to read a few things about the plant and I discovered that banana trees store water to survive even in the absence of rainfall.

It's not like the water they are holding will serve for eternity but it would serve for a while. Understanding the banana tree survival technique taught me a life-applicable lesson that is worth sharing as an entry to the third prompt topic of week 102.

I have always known that nature is full of wonders and somehow, it communicates wisdom for those who pay attention to it.

Just like there is a time when plants have to struggle due to the absence of rainfall, humans also face difficulties in life and it would be a bad idea if we learn to prepare ahead before challenges set in just like the banana plant does.

Many challenges do come unannounced while some are fixed, they will eventually come but preparing ahead wouldn't make us feel the effect that badly. I doubt if it's completely impossible not to feel the impact of life challenges but the effects wouldn't be as bad as not preparing at all. Preparation can be saving ahead of a financial crisis, it can be living a healthy lifestyle before an illness pops up along the way, it could be anything and it's important that we prepare.

Your preparation will serve as protection from the direct impact just like the banana tree does.

My Image

Let's take retirement as an example, it is something worth considering for many people who work for others. Planning ahead by starting something no matter how small it is wouldn't be a bad idea, it would definitely grow gradually until it becomes bigger and when retirement eventually sets in, you can always have something to fall back on.

Preparing ahead for challenges might be difficult but it's very important. Someone once said I worry too much about tomorrow when it's not even sure, the person even quoted a bible verse to prove a point.

I didn't argue and just knew deep down that tomorrow might not be certain but it would be a big mistake not to prepare ahead for it because it is better to prepare and not witness than to witness it unprepared. The banana trees opened my mind to a lot of things and yes, nature was indirectly telling me something very important.

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Funny enough, it also rained very heavily at my place and we have both plantain and banana in our yard.
That picture of banana you upload is a very good species of banana. They grow tall like plantain tree and produce bigger set of banana, some of their seeds sometimes are also big like that of the plantain tree


I really don't know much about the plant and I am amazed at how it survives even harsh weather conditions.

Thanks for the comment bro, I am coming for some bananas when you harvest them.


Unlike some other trees, banana plant store it's water needed to keep growing even when rain no longer falls. No wonder why banana hardly die interesting it prepares itself ahead of time...this is indeed a lesson to humans as tommor is uncertain and no need arguing with anyone who feels there's no need talking about tomorrow

@sagarkothari88 vote


That's true, that plant hardly die. Even when you cut it off, it will still find a way to grow. It's incredible how nature blessed banana so much.

The need to always prepare ahead of times is always important. Thanks for the thoughtful comment and happy Sunday to you.


Yeah, bananas do have this special way they store up water that no matter the season they are not affected, infact as if they produce more during the dry season.

Preparing ahead is so important, we just have to get ready for opportunities so when they come we can easily switch in.

Thanks for sharing, your pictures are nice


I didn't know that until now, it's good to know that nature helped banana stand strong even during tough time.

It's important that we prepare ahead of challenges because when challenges hit, it doesn't announce it coming and we might be helpless during that period.


In my case, because I was taking pictures for blogs in Hive they almost called the police, they told me that I was violating other people's privacy, and I was only taking pictures of some trees! We must prepare for the future although many say otherwise, I agree that we must live in the present but we must also prepare for what is to come and that in the future we will not be alone, helpless and without resources.


I thought Nigerian are the only ones that behave that way, I guess it's a general thing then.

The need to prepare for the future can't be overlooked because the future will be year in no time. Thanks for the thoughtful comment sir, God bless you.
