A Chilly Obsession.
Over the years, I have met a few strong coffee lovers. People who can't go a day without coffee and I really admire them because Nigeria is not one of those countries that has a rich coffee culture or tradition. Many people prefer the regular tea or other beverages but gradually, the demand is rising and more Nigerians are developing taste for coffee.
However, due to the steady increase in coffee consumption, people have developed different drinking styles and preferences which includes the puzzling ones that would leave you asking questions.
I have a colleague who turned friend with coffee bringing us closer and away from the coffee table, he's really an amazing person. He is someone who doesn't joke with coffee and goes about with instant coffee sachets because he finds nothing satisfying as coffee whenever he wants it.
Most of the time we've had coffee together, he prefers chilled coffee and always appreciates when he can get ice for his drink which isn't a problem especially due to the nature of our job then. I go for ice coffee as well when the weather is hot but prefer dissolving my coffee powder in warm or hot water first; that helps retain the taste/aroma even when ice makes it into my drink.
I felt it was normal for him to be obsessed with ice coffee due to our weather until the harmattan season came. It was the first of the season for us as friends and I didn't understand why he still took chilled coffee despite the weather especially in the morning when it's super cold.
Honestly, I didn't want to jump into a conclusion so I had to ask questions after he complained of sore throat during a chat and still took chilled coffee the next day while I was sipping mine hot just to keep my body warm and ready for work.
"I don't like hot coffee, it doesn't taste as good as having a chilled cup. A chilled cup of coffee is more satisfying," He replied and I was speechless because I don't find chilled coffee satisfying that much. It seems the ice steals the aroma and the taste is not exactly the same but for my buddy, it was the opposite.
I watched him very closely and even on wet mornings during the rainy season when we are offered warm coffee by the boss, he would turn it into his bottle and keep it in the refrigerator. It's like he's made a covenant with the god of coffee never to drink warm coffee and I really hope to catch him having a hot cup of coffee even if its in my dream.
After much persuasion about going for warm drink on cold days didn't succeed, I had to give up on him. I even promised to take him to Alaska one day and dare him to still drink ice coffee knowing pretty well that the cold there is horrible and he already accepted the dare in advance.
I can't wait for that time and it's amazing how there are several other people with really funny coffee preference and culture. The truth remains that we can't expect everyone to enjoy coffee the same way we do and that's cool as long as whatever they do doesn't hurt humanity in any way.
It reminds me of a common adage that one man's food is another man's poison. I respect people preferences and even give their habit a try to be sure I am not missing out on anything.
All Image Are Mine.
The photo belongs to millycf1976 and was edited using Canva.
For me, it'd be difficult to find a coffee drinker like your friend here in Venezuela. Generally, we have our coffee hot even when the weather is exteremely hot. We could have a cup of hot coffee at the beach while the sun is shining at its brightest 😁
Have a great day and nice weather ☕️
Lolz, that's really funny. It's just exactly the opposite of my friend who drinks cold coffee regardless of what the weather is. I enjoyed cold or hot coffee depending on the weather but staying fixed on one is not my thing .
I'd rather have it hot 99/100 😌
Chilled coffee sounds like chilled tea to me. it's a no no, but who am I to question his preference
That's just it, we can't question people's preferences as long as they are good and don't hurt others just to derive satisfaction.