BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge! - Explosive Weaponry Ruleset



Hi Guys! In this post we are exploring on another Splinterlands ruleset. The ruleset we are focusing on is Explosive Weaponry.

Explosive Weaponry

In an Explosive Weaponry ruleset, all units gain the Blast ability. Blast ability means damage inflicted on a target can be felt by neighboring units of the targeted unit. The Blast damage is equivalent to main damage divided by 2, rounded up. Do note that neighboring unit with Reflection Shield will not be affected by Blast damage.

Lets take a look at a Silver league Wild ranked match with Explosive Weaponry as one of the ruleset. The battle restrictions are:
Explosive Weaponry and Taking Sides with a max mana of 50. Only Fire, Earth, Life and Death splinters are allowed in this battle. The Video for the Full Battle can be seen here:



SplinterMana CostPositionReason
Lobb Lowland6SummonerI intend to use Quora for this match as giving Blast to Quora could make her into an unstoppable monster if she gets her kills early.
Grund101stGrund would be my first tank. It will also served as my DPS and hopefully weaken whatever enemy tank before it die. I don't expect it to last very long as Grund by itself is not cannot take too much punishment.
Fungus Flinger32ndI put Fungus Flinger in the 2nd position so it can be killed off by Blast damage to trigger Martyr for my Grund and Quora.
Quora Towershead103rdMy main unit in this setup. I intend to let Quora grew into a monster. Fungus Flinger in front of her would help kickstart her strength also.
Goblin Psychic64thMy healer for Grund and Quora.
Fresh Golem65thI placed Fresh Golem here because I wanted to protect my mid line from Blast damage. Fresh Golem's self healing can make it last long.
Mycelic Infantry86thI placed Mycelic Infantry in the last position because I am expecting enemy Sneak units. In fact I pretty much guess the opponent would be using a Fire lineup with a level 4 Qid Yuff as the summoner. This is based on the observation that 3 of the enemy past 5 battles involved Qid Yuff.
Total Mana:49

Opponent Lineup:

My opponent did pick a Fire splinter lineup with a level 4 Qid Yuff as the summoner. I am out levelled both in terms of summoner and units level in this fight. It is a bit unfortunate that I couldn't get enough copies of Lobb Lowland to get it to at least to level 3 but nevermind, I still have Quora Towershead!

End of Round 1:


Things didn't look good at all after the first round. I lost my Grund and Fungus Flinger and my Quora is injured as well. Meanwhile I hardly put a dent on the opponent tank which is a level 2 Grum Flameblade with Void and Void Armor ability! The opponent also has a huge offensive output per round. Only weakness with the opponent lineup is speed. But so far luck seems on the opponent side as there are no misses at all!

End of Round 2:


My Quora took out the opponent Naga Fire Wizard via Blast damage and increase her stats to 4 magic attack, 4 melee attack and 5 speed. Still I could catch a break as the opponent still hit every single shot on her even though Grum Fireblade and Ettin Spearman only have 1 speed. I lost my healer at the end of Round 2 and now my Quora is only left with 4 health. Meanwhile the opponent Grum Fireblade is also getting stronger with each kill as it has Bloodlust as well.

End of Round 3:


Lucky escape for me in this round as the opponent Lava Launcher and Ettin Spearman finally missed their attack. I still get hit by the enemy Grum for a whopping 6 damage though. My Quora's health is down to just 2 now.

End of Round 4:


My Quora took out the opponent Tenyii Striker via Blast damage with its magic attack, then increase in stats and follow up killing the opponent Grum with a melee attack next. Her stats are now pumped to 6 magic attack, 6 melee attack and 7 speed. Once again the opponent's Lava Launcher and Ettin Spearman missed their attacks. I now can rest easy as it looks likely I will win now.

End of Round 5:


It was over at this point. My Quora now stood at 7 magic attack, 7 melee attack and 8 speed. In the next round she will move first and finished off the remaining 2 slow enemy units.

My strategy for this battle was simply to use Quora to defeat the enemy lineup with her magic and melee attack plus Blast damage and thus turning her into a monster.

In a Explosive Weaponry ruleset, do consider using units with either Reflection Shield or Martyr. Reflection is very useful in blocking out Blast damage whereas Martyr is great for creating unstoppable unit. Alternatively putting a self healing unit can be useful in absorbing Blast damage as well.


To any new players who wish to explore the world of Splinterlands, do feel free to sign up with my REFERRAL LINK 😊.

My guild, The Guild of Kingshaven, is also looking for new members. For added incentive to joining us, our guild leader will also be assigning Runi to any new member that can actively participate in brawl battles and give donation to our guild buildings. Runi is extremely powerful and is the only unit that has the Rebirth ability.
Our guild link is
