La hora bohemia de Ze Pequeña 😺 / Ze Pequeña's bohemian hour 😺

Saludos hivers. Todos los animales, al igual que nosotros, tienen sus personalidades que los hacen ser diferentes unos de otros, me centraré en las mascotas nada más porque esta comunidad está dedicada especialmente a ellas.

Hello hivers. Like it happens with us, all the animals have their personalities that make them different from each other. I will focus on pets only because this community is especially dedicated to them.

Como les decía al principio, cada mascota tiene su personalidad. Hay perros alegres, agresivos, desconfiados o juguetones. Hay gatos dormilones, aventureros, dulces, salvajes o conflictivos. Hay aves asustadizas, atrevidas, graciosas o escandalosas. Y así sucede con cada mascota que forma parte de nuestras familias, hasta los pecesitos del acuario tienen sus personalidades, hay algunos que no se interesan en nosostros y hay muchos que hasta se acercan a saludarnos cuando ponemos el dedo sobre el vidrio de la pecera.

As I said at the beginning, each pet has its personality. There are happy, aggressive, distrustful or playful dogs. There are sleepy, adventurous, sweet, wild or conflictive cats. There are scary, daring, funny or scandalous birds. And so it happens with every pet that is part of our families, even the little fish in the aquarium have their personalities, there are some that aren't interested in us and there are many that even come up to greet us when we put our finger on the glass of the fish tank.

En mi casa tenemos tres mascotas, dos gatos y una tortuga de agua, de esos tres, la tortuga, Juanito, y uno de los gatos, Ze Pequeña, son míos o yo soy de ellos jajaja, como prefieran. Hay mascotas que tienen personalidades tranquilas y de perfil un poco bajo, en mi caso, mis dos mascotas tienen personalidades fuertes y muy resaltantes 😼😎🤭 jajaja 🤷🏻‍♀️.

In my house we have three pets, two cats and a water turtle, of those three, Juanito, the turtle, and one of the cats, Ze Pequeña, are mine or I am theirs hahaha, whichever you prefer. There are pets that have calm personalities and a bit low profile, in my case, my two pets have strong and very outstanding personalities 😼😎🤭 hahaha 🤷🏻‍♀️.




Ze Pequeña tiene una súper personalidad llena de contrastes, es tierna pero arisca, es buena pero rebelde, es dormilona pero a la vez muy aventurera, es tranquila pero ama el peligro, no es agresiva pero odia que la regañe y cuando lo hago, me mira fijamente, maúlla y después trata de atacarme me 😬🥴 jajaja, le encanta comer pero es demasiado selectiva y si algo no le gusta no se lo comerá ni que se esté muriendo de hambre 🙄😒 jajaja. En fin, eso es solo una pequeña muestra de cómo es ella.

Ze Pequeña has a super personality full of contrasts, she is tender but surly, she is good but rebellious, she is sleepy but at the same time very adventurous, she is calm but loves danger, she isn't aggressive but she hates if I scold her and when I do it she looks at me fixedly, she meows and then she tries to attack me 😬🥴 hahaha, she loves to eat but she is too selective and if she doesn't like something she won't eat it even if she is starving 🙄😒 hahaha. Anyway, that's just a small sample of how she is.




Mi querida Ze Pequeña tiene una personalidad fascinante y entre las cosas que la definen está su lado bohemio/psicópata jejeje. Pues si, y sus lugares favoritos para dar rienda suelta, ya sea a sus bohemios momentos de reflexión y contemplación, o a los de máxima expresión de manipulación psicópata, son, el muro del balcón, cuando está en su momento bohemio ✌🏻🌼, y las ventanas del pasillo, cuando el espíritu de Patrick Bateman se apodera de ella 😬🙈🤣🤣🤣. Afortunadamente para ustedes, hoy sólo son fotos en el muro del balcón jejeje.

My dear Ze Pequeña has a fascinating personality and among the things that define her is her bohemian/psycho side hehehe. Well yes, and her favorite places to give free rein, whether to her bohemian moments of reflection and contemplation, or those of maximum expression of psycho manipulation, are, the balcony wall, when she is in her bohemian moment ✌🏻🌼, and the windows of the hallway, when the spirit of Patrick Bateman takes over her 😬🙈🤣🤣🤣. Fortunately for you, today they are just photos on the balcony wall hehehe.





Su hora favorita para observar el horizonte y el atardecer, reflexionar, tomar un poquito de sol vespertino y muchas veces hasta dormir un rato sobre el muro, es después de las 5 de la tarde cuando el sol no está tan fuerte, aunque hay días que incluso a esa hora el calor es terrible 🥵🥴😂😂🤷🏻‍♀️.

Her favorite time to observe the horizon and the sunset, reflect, soak up a little the afternoon sun and often even sleep for a while on the wall, is after 5 in the afternoon when the sun isn't so strong, although there are days when even at that time the heat is terrible 🥵🥴😂😂🤷🏻‍♀️.



Dicen que las mascotas suelen ser o el reflejo de nosotros o totalmente lo opuesto a nuestras personalidades, aunque también las hay que no entran en ninguna de esas dos categorías. En cuanto a Ze Pequeña, mi hermana siempre me ha dicho: "es igualita a ti, hasta en lo psicópata" 🙀🙈🙊🤭😂🤷🏻‍♀️. Reconozco que de todas las mascotas que he tenido, Ze Pequeña es la única que en la personalidad, se parece casi en todo a mí, ¿O más bien será yo a ella? 🤔 Lo que no se ahora es que tan bueno o malo sea eso jajaja.

They say that pets tend to be either a reflection of us or the complete opposite of our personalities, although there are also those that don't fall into either of those two categories. As for Ze Pequeña, my sister has always told me: "she's just like you, even a little bit psycho" 🙀🙈🙊🤭😼😂🤷🏻‍♀️. I admit that of all the pets I've had, Ze Pequeña is the only one who, in personality, looks almost everything like me, or rather, I look like her? 🤔 What I don't know now is how good or bad that is hahaha.



Ze Pequeña ciertamente es todo un personaje y aunque a veces me vuelve loca con su comportamiento manipulador, psicópata y rebelde, la mayoría de las veces lo compensa con su ternura, su lado juguetón y su gran inteligencia cuando la pongo en diferentes situaciones y veo cómo se las ingenia para resolverlas 😼😎 jejeje. La amo inmensamente, ella es mi tigrita 😺💖🥰🤗.

Ze Pequeña certainly is quite a character and although she sometimes drives me crazy with her manipulative, psycho and rebellious behavior, most of the time she makes up for it with her tenderness, her playful side and her great intelligence when I put her in different situations and see how she manages to solve them 😼😎 hehehe. I love her immensely, she's my little tiger 😺💖🥰🤗.

Bueno amigos, espero que esta publicación les haya parecido entretenida y haya sido de su agrado. Amen a sus mascotas con todo su corazón y nunca jamás las abandonen ni las traicionen, ellas nunca lo harían. Muchas gracias por su tiempo. Ze Pequeña y yo les deseamos salud y felicidad infinitas 🍀🌞.

Well friends, I hope you found this post entertaining and to your liking. Love your pets with all your heart and never ever abandon them or betray them, they would never do it. Thank you very much for your time. Ze Pequeña and I wish you infinite health and happiness 🍀🌞.

Todas las fotos fueron hechas y editadas por mi con mi celular Redmi 9T y me pertenecen / All photos were taken and edited by me with my Redmi 9T cellphone and they belong to me

Gracias por leer, compartir, apoyar, votar y comentar.
Hasta la próxima.


Thanks for read, share, vote and comment.

Until next post.



que linda jeje toda una dulzura jaja un poco loquita xD

what a cutie hehe she's a sweetie haha a little crazy xD


Muchas gracias amiga 😊, así es, tan dulce como loquita 🥴🤭
Que tengas un lindo día, saludos 😺🤘🤗


Aww, that´s a nice tribute to your furry soulmate :)

Btw did you know that Bohemia is one of the historical regions of the Czech Republic? :) My country consists of 3 of such regions: Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia ;)

@tipu curate 2


Oh, thank you very much 🙈, I'm happy you liked it ☺️🤗.

I know that bohemia is related to the Czech Republic hehehe but I didn't know that it's one of the regions of your country.
Do those three names have a meaning?
Which of those three regions are you from?


We are currently based in Prague, which is in Bohemia but I come from Silesia and we will move back there soon. Silesia is the smallest but proudest region of the country ;)


Btw, to be precise, this is just the Czech part of Silesia. There is Polish Silesia as well, much bigger than the Czech one actually :) Well, history has been complicated here in Europe :D


That's interesting, is there a Silesian language?
A polish Silesia? Was the Czech Republic part of Poland?
Yes, Europe has gone through complicated geopolitical problems 🥴


Not exactly a Silesian language but we do have a very strong and specific Silesian accent and even some different vocabulary than people in Bohemia and Moravia :)

Well, in the past, there were various regions and territories that covered more countries. Silesia is not the only example, there were many places like this. Yeah, history of Europe is very long and complicated ;)


I understand, the accent thing is something very common, here in Venezuela for example, you identify the region someone is from when you hear the accent, and there are also words that are only used in a specific region. Although unlike your country, here there are many indigenous languages and dialects spoken by the tribes of each region.


Jajaja, hermosa descripcion hiciste. Lo disfrute mucho!


Jejeje, muchas gracias, me hace muy feliz que lo hayas disfrutado.
Saludos 😺🤘🏻🤗
