Algunas fotos callejeras / Some street photos
Hello hivers. Street photography is a topic that many photographers like, not only because of the great variety of options that the streets offer, but also because it is very interesting and allows us to define the identity of a particular place. Personally, it's not the type of photography that I usually make because it seems to me that it requires a certain degree of invisibility to go unnoticed and not attract so much attention, and with a cell phone camera, that's not so easy hahaha 🤷🏻♀️.

Las fotos callejeras de esta publicación no tienen como protagonistas a personas así que fueron más sencillas de hacer ya que a un árbol o a una gallina creo que no les importa mucho que les tomen una foto jejeje, más bien parecen disfrutarlo. Estas doce fotos fueron tomadas en diferentes días, calles y lugares de la ciudad donde vivo.
The street photos in this post don't have people as protagonists, so they were easier to take since I think a tree or a chicken doesn't care much about having their photo taken hehehe, rather they seem to enjoy it. These twelve photos were taken on different days, streets and places in the city where I live.

Para la próxima sesión de fotografía callejera trataré de hacer fotos de personas, vamos a ver cómo me va y que escenas logro capturar con mi teléfono sin llamar la atención jejeje, sé que no será una tarea muy sencilla y menos en una ciudad con mucho movimiento, aunque como la gente anda tan frenética y ocupada en este mes, capaz que ni se den cuenta que me estoy aprovechando de ellos 🤫🤣🤣.
For the next street photography session I will try to take photos of people, let's see how it goes and what scenes I can capture with my phone without attracting attention hehehe, I know it won't be a very simple task, especially in a city with a lot of movement, although since people are so frenetic and busy this month, they might not even realize that I'm taking advantage of them 🤫🤣🤣.
Bueno amigos, hasta aquí este experimento de fotos callejeras por hoy. Espero sus comentarios, sugerencias y críticas también, todo es útil y necesario para mejorar. Muchas gracias por su tiempo. Salud y felicidad infinitas para todos 🌞🍀.
Well friends, that's it for this street photo experiment for today. I look forward to your comments, suggestions and criticisms as well, everything is useful and necessary to improve. Thank you very much for your time. Infinite health and happiness for everyone 🌞🍀.
Gracias por leer, compartir, apoyar, votar y comentar.
Hasta la próxima.
Thanks for read, share, vote and comment.
Until next post.
Great shot @gatubela friend!
I'm glad you liked it friend 🤗, thanks for your appreciation 🍀😊
Well done @gatubela!
I liked this photo:
the most and it reminded me of this:
Pozdrav! 🌹
Oh, that's beautiful 💖, thank you very much dear friend @vragolana 🌷, I'm happy you liked it 😊. Have a wonderful week 🍀🎨🖌️✨