Do you feel worried for the money?
Sometimes we are feeling sad and worried about the life, told me about yourself, what kind of situation can give you a high level of stress? Do you feel worried about the money, the lifestyle, the bills, your Debs, and obligations that is necessary covered to conserve your lifestyle.
Well when I am walked the last day, I found this man, he was sleeping in the soil comfortable, without things to worries only for food, no more he do not bothering for clothes, bills, appearance, nothing, and I said so what happens with the humanity, we do a lot of things to get money, you loses your healthy, your family sometimes, worried about how to get more money to get a house, to pay, for get a car, for having a comfortable lifestyle, to have friend with your same level of preferences like yours.
I think this man do not has nothing maybe but they looks like happy more happy than other that his lifestyle let him with high level of debs and stress,, they maybe do not have a good quality of dream, they do not sleep more than 3 or 4 hours during night, thinking in their worries, how to pay for their food, internet, cars, credit card, clothes, bills to pay, travels, education for their family, and by the way sometimes for get extra love outside of their life's.
A lot of things can do not let to get peace to living comfortable, same to this man that I can show you.
If you think you are worries about money, because your incomes are less than your expenses, I am inviting you considering what you can do it, remember when you have money you have friend and woman can give her love to you, but when you do not have money you are alone in this life.
Do not forget this please this is an advice, fortunately in our case we live without worries for the money because I can collect food, in the nature for free doing foraging, and mu i incomes are very little and short, my expenses are less, and I can do it, try to do this hive can help a lot.
Thanks a lot remember owner photos and English mistakes too.
Entiendo tu punto de vista en el post, el dinero ayuda a solucionar todo lo que tiene que ver con un estilo de vida, hay muchas personas que deciden vivir así, aunque están tranquilas, esa no es la calidad de vida, pero es una decisión individual y muy respetable .
Manito , gracias a DIOS tenemos un empleo para ganar dinero y llevar el sustento a casa ,mejor vivir más confortable .