Coffee Spot, a place to travel to the past.
Around 36 kilometers from San Salvador in San Rafael Cedros, exist a restaurant call "La Estancia", and inside of this as a parts of it, we have the coffee spot, a little coffee shop, that let you enjoy a delicious coffee, the flavors and quality are very delicious and nice, in my case I love the cappuccino, sorry for not share the photos of the beverages, but usually we have passing a little fast, but the coffee is delicious, and other part very important of the place is the appliances; you can see good thing, as iron, old disk or vinil disk for listening music, and, tecomates, old candles, writer machiness, a big collection of beautiful old phones, manually phones with bottoms and circles and numbers, old empty liquor bottles, and a big quantity of souvenirs, for you, you can admired the things that let you have enjoying how the people in the past have a hard life, but more healthy than right now.
The place give you and serves food, you can take a delicious and traditional breakfasts and having lunch, of course drinking a delicious fresh coffee, this is obtained from the grains, and blender it and then, prepared a Delicious coffee beverage, it is extract in an express coffee machine, it gives to you a great pleasure if you are a crazy coffee drinker like me.
This is too a bakery, if you need fresh, hot and delicious bread this is the place.
This is a great place to visit if you need a big shot of coffee in the morning, to wake up; this was a recommendation from a great person that I have meeting in the past month thanks a lot steph, @riverasg
I hope you will enjoying this magic place when you come to visit our magic country.
Thanks a lot for coming and visiting our blog, remember own material photos and English mistakes too.
I like what I see. Take me there!

I hope one day you will come to El Salvador.
You've just entered our 'Interactive Virtual Coffee Shop.'
Thanks a-latte!
The Cinnamon Cup Coffee Team
Thanks a lot for coming.
This place is a trip to the past and memories that come out like waterfalls of feelings. I really like this cafeteria with its beautiful objects. I was fascinated by the wheel phone, you don't see this type of phone anymore.
Thanks for sharing your coffee experience.☕
Good day.
So much intresting old stuff! so pity your smartphone's camera is not top efficient under poor lighting conditions, to make better pics.
The owners of the cafe brought this pile of old junk and laid them across the place because people like to watch at old things, it gives pleasure for their eyes, and make cafe more attractive? What do you think.
!BEER and !PIZZA your way. Awesome post.
Yes sir, I have a proyect to buy a camera better or a better cell phone,
Thanks a lot for coming, and yes this place are great to enjoy a coffee with a great old stuff.
$PIZZA slices delivered:
@qwerrie(1/5) tipped @galberto
En la casa de mis tías había un teléfono como el de la foto , también un tocadiscos , bueno algunas cosas más que veo en tu post , ahora se dice son reliquias , pero en su tiempo se usaron y de que manera, me encanta el capuchino también , para mí es una de las mejores bebidas , hay no hay competencia con el licor , mejor el café