Definición de rizos💫~ Curl definition💫 [ENG/ESP]

Hi! How are you?
Until a few years ago I had no idea how to take care of my hair, I even went through that stage of hating it and dreaming of having it straight because I thought it was ugly, or as I usually used to say here “bad hair”. Eventually I realized that my curly hair made me different, special, and therefore I had to love it as it was, so I started to do some research on how to take care of it and that the curls had a better shape. Currently my curls look a little better, and although there are still some unruly strands I feel quite happy with the progress I've made.
I hope you liked it. I hope you liked it, see you next time✨!
¡Holaa! ¡¿Que tal?!
Hasta hace unos pocos años atras no ni idea de como cuidar mi cabello, incluso pasé por esa etapa de odiarlo y soñas con tenerlo lacio pues creia que erea feo, o como generalmente acostumbrab a decirle aqui "pelo malo". Con el tiempo comprendí que mi cabello rizado me hacia diferente, especial, y por ende debia amalo tal cual era, así comencé a investigar un poco sobre como cuidarlo y que los rizos tuvieran una mejor forma. Actualmente ya los rizos se me ven un poco mejor, y aunque hay mechones que siguen rebeldes me siento bastante contenta con los avances que he tenido.
Espero les haya gustado ¡Nos leemos en una siguiente oportunidad✨!
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